July 06, 2015

The Annex No. 1

by the University President’s Order No. A/143


Research and Innovation Regulations 


One: General background


1.1.            An objective of the procedure is to be regulated a communication related to the research and innovation of MNUE.

1.2.            The procedure is a document to create new knowledge supporting research and innovation of MNUE, implement project, achieve a result of research through academic study and production, advance research improvement, intensify effect and regulate performance. 

1.3.            It is operated in the framework of the Mongolia Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Master Plan for the Mongolia Science and Technology Development (2007-2020) and related rules and forms.


Two: Research management and organization


2.1.            A management entity, responsible for MNUE research shall be a research office /hereinafter RO/.     

2.2.            Research office is responsible for the following functions. Herein:  


2.2.1. Organize activities and provide joint management such as design short-term and/or long-term plan, select project and guidance, advance effects of lecturers’ and students’ researches, improve research and development correlations, expand relationships between international and domestic research institutions as well as university and colleges and develop new research approaches. 

2.2.2.  Shall affiliate research investment and financial information, shall be executed research and innovation projects and programs via the university’s and state properties, determine newly implemented project draft – considerations in accordance with the university capacity, demand and requirement and follow up on their implementations in the framework of leading research approaches.         

2.2.3.       Provide for being strategically supported research institutions, centers and laboratories                 maintenances, obtaining new knowledge to be turned over to free market communications, transfer and broaden it.

2.2.4.       Organize research conference for graduate students and PhD candidates, inspire a selected research paper effect and publish them on the annual March. 

2.2.5.       Design and follow “Joint Requirement for Research Paper Formalization” to conform to all of the researches at the University based on international APA format.

2.2.6.     Register and certify any intellectual properties for the University copyrights to have obtained as a result of the researches from the University and establish a Joint Resources for the Research Information.


2.3.            Constitute research teams by virtue of branch schools and departments, conduct a joint survey         at national or international scope to develop research and development as well as publish research journals, openly organize symposium, discussion and seminar and add a number of scientists.

2.4.            Director of the branch school shall affiliate the department and center even the University research plans and design the academic year – joint working plan in connection with the same plan of the branch school. 

2.5.            Departments shall implement fundamental or applied thematic research and scientific and          technological projects, promote international joint projects and/or programs participatory, release the news or balances for outcome of research, suggest outcomes improvement of research and initiatively carry out.

2.6.            Deans shall design and implement research plan of the department based on the research plan of professors and lecturers. 

2.7.            Professor - lecturer shall insert research implementation results in online - data base named by           http: //buteel.surgalt.mn and enrich joint data base for the research implementation results during          the period of academic year. Deans shall make an inventory of the respective lecturer’s research         credits based on 4.3.7, 4.5.5, 5.3.3 references of “Lecturer’s Working Rules”. 

2.8.            Branch school shall dispatch a research report on June 15 of every year to the RO.  

2.9.            RO shall affiliate research report of MNUE and report on the Directorate meeting. 


Innovation administration and its management 


2.10.        The University shall have Innovation and Production Department to design proposals on a policy implementation for the University innovation system development, innovation adapting plan and necessary budget or finance for them and provide joint management for their implementation activities. 

2.11.        Aforementioned department is responsible for the following functions. Herein: 


2.11.1.  Organize the innovation projects implementation, follow up on it, conduct a joint registration inventory of the innovation project in association with related organizations and constitute data base. 

2.11.2.  Launch start-up companies based on the University intellectual properties and develop                   incubators in the circumstance of the University.     

2.11.3.  Provide administration and management for designing and/or implementing a program on innovation implementation and human resources improvement, cooperate with international organizations, inspire innovation activities, its promotion, making advertisement and disseminate performances.


Three. Project on Academic Study, Research and Innovation Funding by MNUE 


3.1.            Propose and advertise a project 


3.1.1.      The Project, shall implement at branch schools of MNUE is able to be formalizations such as intended, subscribed, associated with international or domestic organizations, scientists and experts via orientations as follows: fundamental researches, core technologies, innovative and scientific technology. 

3.1.2.      MNUE shall individually finance a project, shall be implemented at branch schools as well as RO is responsible for openly announce a project subscription, register, involving rivalry, establish an agreement, follow up on implementation, report implementation results  and issues, related to financial accountancy and regulate in order to the rule.

3.1.3.      What has competitive project nominated is able to be a groundwork for applied research project design, being capable of innovation production and provide financial requirement for project in abroad and scientific and technological basis. 

3.1.4.      The RO of MNUE shall determine subscribed project approaches to be newly implemented next year based on proposals from branch schools, to be discussed the proposals by directorate meeting on the annual November and plainly and openly report a competitive requirement of project agent for public.      

3.1.5.      RO is affiliated the projects on behalf of MNUE for the competitive projects of scientific technological resources and dispatched including application form, project proposal and formal requests. 


3.2.            Requirement for project


3.2.1.      The project must be provided for the following requirements. Herein: be focused on academic study, research and innovation development. have certified project, up-to-dated and intellectual property copyrights. have reckoned an importance of technical, economic, social, scientific and their effects. manager shall design the project in accordance with related requirements and dispatch to RO in the form of paper or electronic on the December 25. project implementation period is up to 3 years. Project manager must be acquired PhD degree. the team participatory, Professor-lecturer, graduate and post graduate students of MNUE as well as related organizational researchers and scholars may be involved there. 


3.3.            Competitive procedure of the project 


3.3.1.      The project, has been tended to strategic objective implementation for MNUE development and supposed a proper contribution to the branch schools academic study, research and innovation development shall be selected. 

3.3.2.      When is being funded to the project, its effects and importance shall be main experiences.

3.3.3.      The project manager and executor who haven’t reported the project effects during an agreement valid period mustn’t be participated next year’s competitive selection activities. 

3.3.4.      The commission, has been established by the order of the President of MNUE and consisted of 9 members and involved research, innovation, production departments and branch schools representatives shall follow up and selected for competitive election. Outcome and information on the selected project shall be reported on the Directorate meeting.   

3.3.5.      Have the project supported by Directorate meeting shall design in order to the meeting protocol and confirmed 2 copies shall dispatch to RO in labor 5 days. 

3.3.6.      RO shall openly report on an outcome of the project in the competitive selection month.

3.3.7.      Newly implementing project shall be certified by the order of the President of MNUE.


3.4.            Agreement establishment 

3.4.1.      The agreement on project shall be certified 2 copies by the project manager and deputy directors who are responsible for research and cooperation and they sign and certify them.

3.4.2.      In correlation with outcome of the project, capable study in use and/or selling and formalizations as follows: donative, re-payable and responsible for a certain per cent of the project expenditures shall be funded there. 


3.5.            The project funding


3.5.1.      The project funding shall be resources as follows: governmental, related ministries, Science and Technological fund, foreign, local, schools, agreement execution and joint projects. 

3.5.2.      A number of funding to be spent on the annual implementing research projects shall be certified by the order of the President of MNUE. 


3.5               Follow up on the project implementation 


3.6.1.      Joint working commission in association with research, innovative production and financial departments shall follow up on the project implementation period, time, efficacy, production and service adaptation maintenances and financial procedures. 

3.6.2.      The project team has been a jurisdiction using labor room of the unit, cabinets, research  laboratory, computing and related technologies.

3.6.3.      Equilibrium of the project period, execution and funding shall be discussed and the department of research, innovation and production estimate related assessment and  conclusion each 6 months. 

3.6.4.      If it hasn’t been provided for requirement mentioned in the agreement based on the equilibrium for the project implementation period, deputy director who is responsible for research and cooperation shall determine an issue of agreement termination before the deadline. 

3.6.5.      The final report on the project shall be discussed by the joint working commission meeting in association with the departments of research, innovation, production and funding, assessed the project execution and rest of the funding shall be assigned when it should have been implemented, successfully. 

3.6.6.      Unless otherwise specified in the agreement, RO shall determine intellectual properties to have achieved during the period of academic study, research and innovative projects in order to estimate the intellectual copyright registration of MNUE.


3.7.            Report the project outcome 


3.7.1.      The project implementation shall be reported in the mentioned below 2 forms. Herein: project manager shall report the project description involving the products in 14 days after agreement termination and he shall report the project implementation on RO. 2 months after project termination, the description must be reported in written form in accordance with a proper rule of expected efficacy and funding. project, hasn’t been satisfied with the agreement requirements must be re- executed and executor shall re-pay loss and damages of the properties.  


Four. Research journal of MNUE 

4.1.            Research journal and its board 


4.1.1.      MNUE shall include a research journal. The journal shall be nominated by a proper name. 

4.1.2.      Board of the research journal shall be established by the order of the President of MNUE. 

4.1.3.      Board of the research journal of MNUE shall be involved with general board and branch  school deputy board. 

4.1.4.      The board of the journal shall support journal performance improvement as well as determine special issues such as dedicated ones to commemorative anniversary and in a certain thematic one. 

4.1.5.      E-journal shall be dispatched to the library and turn over to a research circulation. 

4.1.6.      Performance, has been in charge of the journal issue by general and deputy board shall be reckoned based on 4.4.4 of “Lecturer’s Working Procedure”.

4.1.7.      Respective issue of the journal shall be assigned: 10 % for the central library of MNUE and 1 % for authors, branch school departments, center and professor’s team. 


4.2.            General requirement for the research journal publication 


4.2.1.      Research journal of MNUE must be acquired an international ISSN numbers.

4.2.2.      Research paper is as for newly themed, its citations must be based on international higher ranking journals, recent research outcomes involved in, a definite research methods in use, they have been based on a certain pilot studies and expenses, his/her proposals have been compared with related scholars’ and researchers’ concepts and they must be argued that accurately determinations.  

4.2.3.      Critical reviews of the research involving scientific contributions should be definitely concluded there and it shall be published after 6 months when the paper is expected that is accessible for public. 

4.2.4.      The uncommon and extremely required resources and translations should be published in the journal. For an issue, at least up to 2 translations, have been admitted by their authors’ copyrights may be included. 

4.2.5.      Author must have written his/her research paper in the international APA format. 

4.2.6.      A material to be published for research journal of MNUE mustn’t be published in other journals. 


4.3.          Determine to publication 


4.3.1.      RO shall access an original draft to publish for the journal and it shall be dispatched a satisfied material to the deputy board of the journal.

4.3.2.      The deputy board of the journal shall suggest a proposal either submit for publication or not to submit after peer-reviewed.              

4.3.3.      General board shall make a resolution for final determination to publish in the journal.

4.3.4.      General board of the journal has privileges entitled not to access a research paper, hasn’t been met a proper requirement. 


Five. Etiquette for research  


4.1.            Have an authority to master a copyright of intellectual properties. 


5.1.1.      MNUE has an authority to engage and spent on the intellectual properties in the regulation of all right reserved ones such as newly created products as a result of project or program, effective designs, software and published material as follows: have done in the framework of agreement on project, local project or program. is an agreement establishment to have made over an authority in order to execute formal obligatory functions and privileges entitled.’s research whose have been created through using the funding and  properties of MNUE. 


5.2.            Researches normalizations 


5.2.1.      Professor-lecturers shall perform neither violate the justice such as they are in charge of their research papers as well as either correct a result of the research, compose an ill founded quantity or document, intentionally replace a quantity or document, to be considered their research credit hours through converting their previously published papers into new ones,  publish for giving his/her title to related materials, write a joint paper in the manner of having solely done and publish for converting into a book neither any authorizations from learners’ done and translated materials via taking advantage of his/her lecturer’s position. 

5.2.2.      Lecturers and learners of MNUE shall officially use the name of MNUE and its branch school and logos when they execute the branch school researches.

5.2.3.      When are participated at international or local joint activities, they should use an official address or internet account of MNUE. 

5.2.4.      In accordance with 2.1.13 of “Lecturer’s Working Procedure”, researcher-lecturer should follow normalizations not to oblige his/her research viewpoints or individual ranking for others. 

5.2.5.      All of the professor-lecturer, administrative officials and learners shall equally follow an aforementioned normalization to execute the research.    


Six. Academic Study, Research and Innovation Center


6.1.            Center and its performance functions


6.1.1. MNUE shall include Academic study, Research and Innovation Center in order to adapt their scientific, new technological and researches effects to production, practically and turn over to economical circulations. 

6.1.2.      Centers: is an entity, has an objective or tendency to execute international or domestic organizations subscribed or joint projects, agreement performance, design qualified and projects capable, organize methodological activities and develop academic study and research. shall include a proper name, have been focused on their contents of procedural objective and approaches. shall use a certified logo, formal written blanks and stamp for its official activities. Its logo and formal written blanks may be in English and/or Mongolian version. lecturer, assistant workers and researchers shall be performed in temporary agreement based on the periodical working requirement and center financial capacity. shall design the school annual working plan and should be performed, approved by the director of the branch school. implementation balance may be electronically reported to the branch school director and department of research, innovation and production in the first half of each annual December. performance shall be assessed every two years by the Department of Quality Assurance and Monitoring and it shall be submitted to the Directorate meeting of MNUE. 

6.1.3.      The center may be implemented an activity in the forms of such as academic study, study –research and research – innovation centers. 

6.1.4.      The center residence, laboratory, equipment, utensils and instruments and based on its resources  or intellectual ones should be possessed the properties of MNUE. 


6.1              Center establishment and annulment 


6.2.1.      It is discussed and dispatched to RO, has been considered as basis of center establishment, proposals and related requests by the meeting of academic council and shall be made a final resolution by the Directorate meeting of MNUE.    

6.2.2.      The center shall be established by the order of the President of MNUE. 

6.2.3.      Center shall be established in accordance with the following requirements: Herein: including center establishment background, economical estimation and working plan. for academic study necessities such as classrooms resources, technologies, books and course books to be implemented study and production. 

6.2.4.      The center shall be abolished as follows herein: study, the research and the production engaged in are supposed a negatively influences to MNUE reputation and interests by the related professional organizations determinations. 6 months after having admitted, if hasn’t been implemented any activities. hasn’t been put any deposits in MNUE and not to reimburse the expenditures of annual wages. 


6.2              Center functions


6.3.1.      Except for center of study and research shall investigate fundamental science and/or applied research, arrange projects on research, study and education activities, organize the course to advance lecturers’ knowledge and qualifications for subscribed and special programs in a short term and confer by a certificate, it shall have been accumulated a revenue, plainly reported a budget expenses, established a joint funding and performed. 

6.3.2.      When the center organizes a study for undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates, learners  shall be participated for research, supported production – practical experiences, learners’ researches and inventions and recommends professional methodology, it shall co-work with related executives of laboratory, professors’ team and departments. 

6.3.3.      The research center shall perform to investigate research or pilot study, have been approached to scientific and technological development, adapt a result of research to production, execute subscribed projects from state or private entrepreneurs, project on research and agreement performance on research and qualify researchers. 

6.3.4.      Innovation center shall constitute an environment to effectively implement innovation procedures and infrastructures in association with research organizations and entities. Daily activities shall be focused on to create the financial multi-lateral resources necessary for high-tech and innovative productions, have been approached to substituting imports, exportation and innovative products and to add national production competitiveness.     


6.4              Center funding 


6.4.1        Using related resources, haven’t been prohibited by law, its revenue shall be accumulated through organizing evening, distant, long and short-term studies based on their subscriptions and proposals, implementing projects or programs, adapting a result of researches to production and turn over to economical circulation in association with foreign universities, colleges, organizations and centers. 


6.4.2        In order to be a lever of the center effective performance, branch school shall be centralized 70 % of total revenue, have been allocated from its activities and centralized the 30 % to development accountancy of MNUE. The center shall be an authority spending on 30 % of centralized properties for branch school. 


6.4.3        Center shall assign a proper bonus - salaries and rewards for deans, lecturers and officials from its revenues.


6.4.4        Banking account shall be used for following up on centers funding reckonings, planning, execution and managing at MNUE. 


6.4.5        Professor-lecturers of MNUE shall earn their salaries and bonuses from the MNUE revenues when they shall have performed in the work place of the center. When the extremely required lecturers and researchers have been performed there they shall pay out their salaries from the center revenues. 


6.4.6        When the center shall be required start-up properties to launch its activities and to individually perform for, a funding shall be allocated from the development accountancy of MNUE to re-pay in correlation with business plan, products quality, effects and needs. 


6.4.7        The respective branch school accountant shall be responsible for the center financial procedures, inventories and balances. 


Seven. Research institution of MNUE 


6.1.            The institutional administration and management 


7.1.1     In the MNUE environment, the institution shall expect aiming at research execution, consign new technology and conduct a pilot study on learning and research to have approached to research, study and innovation development. 


7.1.2     The institution shall be designed strategic plan for medium or long-term development in correlation with master plan of MNUE, development policy and related rules and procedures. 


7.1.3     The director who has been appointed by the order of the President of MNUE shall manage the institution. The director shall have been appointed for 4 years and that period shall be once extended by 4 years. 


7.1.4     The institution shall be used a certified logo, formal written blanks and stamp for its official activities. 


7.2 The institutional approaches 


7.2.1   Executing researches in association with foreign and domestic organizations, developing intellectual properties in the manner of innovation and consigning technologies, expanding a scope of fundamental research and its quality, advancing theoretical and practical methods of the research, going up scientific ranking of the researches and performing initiatively and effectively. 


7.2.2   Implement a project, execute fundamental scientific – thematic research and/or related subscribed ones, expand cooperation with entrepreneurs and execute a research on subscription. 


7.2.3   In the framework of researches, it is to be regularly published research or its outcomes as well as cooperating with a branch school professor-lecturers and researchers. 


7.2.4   The institution individually establish agreements or contracts in association with Mongolian and foreign institutions and tertiary educational organizations at the same time in the framework of its own activities. 


Eight. Requirement for innovative products 


8.1.            Innovative products have been met the following requirements. Herein: 

8.1.1 Its competitive capacity and technological and/or economical estimations shall be more than same products, technologies and services where have been newly produced in Mongolia or sold in the market. 

8.1.2 To have approached imports substitution and gone up the exportation resources. 

8.1.3 Producer is to be owner of intellectual properties or to have established agreement on license with their owners. 


8.1.            Resources to be funded innovation activities 


8.1.1.      The funding of innovation activity shall be constituted by the following resources. Herein:  Government of Mongolia and its ministries.  Local administrative organizations.  Science and technological fund.  Properties of MNUE.  Properties of investment companies.  Properties to have accumulated from primary market for start-up companies.  Own properties from participatory organizations for the innovation activities.  Properties for loan of foreign and international organizations, assistance and donation.    


Nine. Start-up company 


9.1.            Establish start-up company 


9.1.1        Start-up Company shall be established based on Innovation law of Mongolia, the start-up company establishment procedure in the vicinity of research organization and related rules and procedures. 

9.1.2        Unless otherwise specified in law and international agreements, international organization, foreign country, their organizations, legal body and a citizen may be established a joint start-up company for innovation project implementation in the vicinity of MNUE.  

9.1.3        Innovation project implementation by Start-up Company has been provided for 14.1. of Innovation law, innovative products through the project has been met the requirement of 15.1of the mentioned-above law. 

9.1.4        The founder of Start-up Company shall be requested to the department in charge of innovation queries of MNUE constituting the documents as follows. Herein:   The request, has been included a start-up company establishment background;  Innovation projects technology and economical background as well as effectual accountancy. 

9.1.5        A query of start-up company establishment shall be determined by a joint meeting of the deputy director who is responsible for MNUE economical and cooperation and the department, in charge of innovation queries.   

9.1.6        Founders of start-up company should be established an agreement of foundation for the company with MNUE and definitely specified the queries such as cooperation procedure, obligatory functions, funding, constituting an equity fund and holding a stock as well as holding an intellectual properties, using, spending on it and saving a highly confidential technology. 

9.1.7        An essential principle to be established and registered for a start-up company in the vicinity of the department of innovation and production and its related proceeding relations shall be regulated in accordance with “Establish a start-up company in the vicinity of research institution” – rule certified by the 374th decree of the Mongolian Government. 

9.1.8        MNUE may be provided a cabinet, room, internet network for the start-up company team, has been established in the vicinity of own resources.  MNUE should support in the necessary case of research, laboratory and pilot study for investigating the start-up company development technology