Four.  The Undergraduate Study / Bachelor degree program

4.1.      Admission

4.1.1.   A person who has got permission to enroll at the university, passed general entrance exams and paid tuition fee of the courses of fall semester and other relevant fees shall enroll as a student of the MNUE.

4.1.2.   A person who has already received a bachelor degree and fulfilled the relevant admission requirements can enroll to the suitable level of courses at the university depending on credits s/he has already studied.

4.1.3.   University entrance requirements and types of entrance enrollment exams for prospective students are developed depending on the types and majors and minors before the 1st of February and announced to the public with detailed regulations.

4.1.4.   A person who has got bachelor degree can enroll to the university in correspondent and conversion forms.

4.1.5.   Enrollment of correspondent and conversion courses is organized 1-3 times a year.

4.1.6.   A person who wants to enroll to conversion courses must have at least bachelor degree in a major which meets the secondary school subject content

4.1.7.   Resolution of students’ enrollment to schools of the university is proved by the president of the university.

4.1.8.   A prospective student who has got general education certification outside Mongolia shall bring a certification of exams approved by State General Administrative Body in Charge of Education pursuant to the entrance exams for a major at the university where s/he wants to enroll.

4.1.9.   International student admission processes and international students’ exchange programs shall be regulated by another regulations and rules.   

4.1.10. Students can transfer from to abroad or other universities in different reasons based on their interests. Student’s transfer process is regulated under section 4.12 of this regulations. The main requirements for the transfer students from other universities are the mutual understanding of approval and acceptance of credits between school and the student. 

4.2.      In-class standing and leaves

4.2.1.   A student can continue his or her studies by paying tuition fees of the semester after the selection of the courses for the semester. The student can attend in classes after election courses and paid tuition fee. Elective courses are determined and approved by a resolution of the director of schools within 21 days of the start of each semester.

4.2.2.   If a student get a leave of absence for one day off, it is given by a teacher, for 2-3 days by head of the department, for 4-30 days by Head of Office of Academic Programs of relevant school.

4.2.3.   Student with more than 30 days leave may withdraw all the courses of the semester with the resolution of Head of Office of Academic Programs of relevant school and the withdrawal is approved by resolution of director of school.

4.2.4.   Student must get a leave or drop of the courses of the semester in the beginning of each semester and can’t get back tuition fees after 5 weeks of studies.

4.2.5.   Student must continue the studies from beginning of semester after finish a leave of absence according to the section 4.2.1 of the regulations.

4.2.6.   Student who comes from a leave of absence must make own study plan consulting with lecturers, professors and specialists of student services at the university.

4.2.7.   The actual term proposed to the students would be defined by the amounts of credits collected or student performance studied

4.3.      Course selection

4.3.1.   Selection process is based on the academic programs and course standard.

4.3.2.   Academic programs are designed and developed by a professor’s team and a department relevant to the major and discussed by Office of Academic Programs and approved by the president of MNUE.

4.3.3.   Content of General Education Foundation Courses of undergraduate studies at MNUE shall be suited to the higher education standards in Mongolia.

4.3.4.   Lecturer is allowed to implement course standards by developing based on their knowledge, own experiences, students’ professional characteristics and their demands

4.3.5.   One course could be taught by several lecturers. In that case, credit hour completion would be calculated by performance.

4.3.6.   All level of course codes in academic programs are not repeated.

4.3.7.   Each course content could be taught in one semester but big capacity of content could be taught in two or more semesters, if not separating them with different codes and names. Knowledge, skills and attitudes are evaluated at each course.

4.3.8.   Lecturers put their lecture notes, seminar materials, questions, homework, SIW and other course related materials in the MNUE online learning website in order to increase use.

4.3.9.   Professional department and professors’ team must place their introductory lesson, curriculum and academic program of the courses for that semester in website before course selection. Lecturers give necessary advices to students with help of officers of academic programs of schools and student service workers.

4.3.10. Freshman of MNUE should make course selection and cancel it under control of advisors.

4.3.11. Course selection process is conducted by 2 stages via online.

                            A. Selection - 1

4.3.12. Student must select the next semester’s courses in 12-13 week of the current semester and approved by “Selection-1”.

4.3.13. If a student couldn’t select next semester’s courses in time according to 4.3.12, he/she can’t continue the next semester studies. If there is a necessary condition to continue the studies, Head of Office of Academic Programs of school decides if it is possible to continue the courses at university based on the student’s request sheet. Course selection is opened when the student pays relevant student service fee for course selection.

4.3.14. The Central Office of Academic Programs will deliver the order which contains the number, name, code of courses, the required classrooms, hours and names of the lecturers and other relevant required information on the next semester to the professional departments of the schools within the 14th and 15th week of the students’ term.

4.3.15. Head of Professional Department and Head of Professors’ team delivers the name and time load of the choice of the teachers to be taught for Selection-1 to the Office of Academic Programs of schools within first week of winter and summer term.

4.3.16. Course schedules with lecturers’ names for Selection-1 are uploaded in the student’s training management information system 3-4 weeks before the start of the semester

                                               B. Selection -2

4.3.17. Central Office of Academic Programs and Office of Academic Programs of school establish general schedule of courses for Selection-2 three weeks before start of the semester.

4.3.18. Student must do Selection-2 in 0 week before start of the semester via online and it is approved by a mentor/learning advisor or a specialist of Office of Academic Programs of School.

4.3.19. If it is not possible to choose some lecturers, days, classrooms, Selection-2 is registered in waitlist of the courses.

4.3.20. When there are more than 15 students in a waitlist, a group is created and selection is approved by a student.  

3.4.21. Course selection for winter and summer semesters are done in the 14th week of the current semester.

4.3.22. A student didn’t pass exams shall do the course selection again in the 15th or the 1st week of the winter and summer semesters. The student can study the course between semesters if the student gets more than 40% grade point, but less than 40% shall study during semester. If the course is 1credit, it is studied for week, if it is 2credids it is studied for 2 weeks, is it is 3-4 credits, the course is studied for 3 weeks.

4.3.23. Central Office of Academic Programs and Office of Academic programs of school do course schedule of winter and summer semesters in 15th week of the current semester whereas the restudying course schedule is provided in the 1st week after end of the current semester.

C. Arrangements of the Selections

4.3.24. Students must pay all the tuition fees and other relevant fees before doing the course selections 1 and 2.  

4.3.25. Winter, summer semester’s and restudying course selections of a student are approved within the 1st week after s/he paid all credits fees. Without credit payments, selections are not approved.

4.3.26. During students’ course Selection-2, Course Selection-1 is not changed. Students’ course selections are approved by an order of the president of the MNUE based on the order of school director within the first 4th week of the semester.

4.3.27. If a student does not attend the courses for 4 weeks, his/her credits payments for the rest of the weeks of the semester can be transferred to the next semester’s but for 5 weeks absence, tuition fees can not be transferred to the next semester’s courses.

4.3.28. Any changes to the schedule of courses are not allowed during semester.

4.3.29. Student who couldn’t do Selection-2 with excusable reasons /illness, look after sick people, natural disasters: storm, snowstorm, thunder…/ can select courses within 2 weeks at the beginning of the current semester showing the approval of reasons. After 2 weeks student can’t do it. For other reasons, student can pay relevant fees for course selection and choose the possible courses for the semester within 2 weeks.  After 2 weeks of absence, it is not allowed to do course selections. 

4.3.30. Student can study average 15 credits in 15 week of semester. The maximum credit limit is 10-21 and minimum is 10 per semester. If the student does not select any courses for the semester, it is informed to his/her parents or financer.

4.3.31. Student can evaluate lecturer’s methodology, teaching skills, ethics, relationship and learning environment of school via online at the end of the semester.  

4.4.      Academic year calendar

4.4.1.   There are three semesters in an academic year. First semester starts on Monday in the third week of August.

4.4.2.   The main semesters: fall and spring (term 1 and 2) semesters consist of 1 online week for Selections and 15 working weeks, in total 16 weeks. There are also 16 weeks in winter and summer semesters /one week online courses, 7+8 =15 weeks for in-class learning/.

4.4.3.   Postgraduate (Master’s and doctoral) studies, teaching practicum, conversion courses and restudying programs are conducted in winter and summer semesters (the third semester).

4.4.4.   The calendar of the academic year is proved by Board of Directors of MNUE in May.

4.5.      Planning and choosing Academic programs

  1. Academic programs

4.5.1.   The structure, content and requirements of the major and minor academic programs shall be defined taking account of suggestions and recommendations from professional department, professors’ team, lecturers’, students’, graduators’ and employers’ according to the standards of the majors.  The academic programs are approved by Curriculum Committee of MNUE after discussed and revised by Curriculum sub and brunch committees of schools.

4.5.2.   Academic programs shall be implemented at the University and at its schools after university president’s approval, which based on the program name, index, and requirements ratified by State Administrative Body of Education.

4.5.3.   Curriculum committee makes changes into the academic programs based on the suggestions and conclusions from Curriculum sub and brunch committees where suggestions are discussed at and offered by professional department, lecturers and professors’ team.

4.5.4.   Bigger content changes into the academic programs is done once every 4 years, if there is a change into the course name or code, it is done once in the first year of the program implementation and twice every 2 years in further.  

4.5.5.   Content capacity of undergraduate programs has to be more than120 credits and its content consists of teacher education general foundation courses, professional foundation courses and specialty courses.

4.5.6.   The structure of academic program would be flexible for different reasons of students’ needs to obtain dual and double courses and acquire wide range of scientific knowledge and skills at the university.

4.5.7.   Double training courses offered by professional departments and professor’s team at the university should be organized according to special requirements to be chosen co-requisite or pre-requisite types and an average point, acceptable minimum grade point average and type of the courses should be clearly defined in the academic program framework.

4.5.8.   The general foundation courses in academic program framework consists 21credits of compulsory and elective courses including courses of humanities, social and natural sciences.

4.5.9.   Teacher education courses have a content of 39 credits.

4.5.10. Majors and foundation courses have a content of 9-18 credits.

4.5.11. Majors are studied elective and compulsory types and consist of 42-51credits.

 B. Selection of Academic Programs (Curriculum Framework)

4.5.12. Student’s achievements such as the point of the professional subject received from the state genera examination, GPA of the previous educational certification will be the core requirements to choose the profession at the MNUE. The selection approval is done by school director.

4.5.13. After 2 and 3 semesters successful studying, the student’s selected profession has to be proved by professional department and curriculum committee.

4.5.14. The student who is studying with more than 3.3 grade point average can select a “Curriculum on English course for non-linguistic students of MNUE” or double profession in the end of the 3rd semester, for 2.7 point can select minors in the end of the 4th semester, for more than 3.7 GPA can select MA degree curriculum in the end of the 5th semester and also can select Doctoral curriculum in the end of the 7th semester.

4.5.15. Curriculum committee shall organize the students’ academic program selection processes on the basis of suggestions from the professional departments.

4.5.16.  T 4.5.16. The capacity of the credit hours for majors, minors and double training courses in academic program framework can be set as follows. These include:


  Learning version
Minimum credits required Duration of study  / by years/ Degree to be received
А Single major
  • General foundation courses
  • Teacher education courses
  • Package  /professional/ foundation courses
  • Professional course
3.5-4.5 Bachelor
B Obtaining an additional profession in the field
  • General foundation courses
  • Teacher education courses
  • Package professional/ foundation courses
  • Professional course
  • Minors
4.0-5.0 Bachelor+
C To acquire double training course with other base
Estimates of the academic programs and discrepancies of this plan. Equality shall be based on paragraph 4.12.4
Discrepancies depend on the duration of the study Bachelor+

4.5.16.        4.5.17. When student studying 2/3 of the general foundation courses and teacher education core courses in basic academic program and successfully completed 1/3 of acceptable credits (professional basic course credit) the grade point average of study duration is 3.0 and above, the second degree may be submitted to the Office of Academic Programs of school prior to the 5th semester.

4.5.17      4.5.18. Acceptance of minor and dual courses shall be confirmed by the order of the President of the Mongolian National University of Education based on the decision made by school authorities. This order clearly defines the form of training (full time or correspond  ence).

4.5.18.     4.5.19.  Conversion training is divided into two forms: teacher conversion and professional orientation. Capacity of these training curricula will be coordinated by the respective training curriculum.

4.5.19.        4.5.20.The total average duration of study is 3.7 years or more for undergraduate students allowed to write a bachelor diploma paper. Depending on the profession, the minimum level can be reduced to 3.3 from the institution.

4.5.20.     4.5.21. Graduate students attend 2 credit subject pre-training courses and it is added to all credit hours gained during the bachelor classes, Pre-training course tuition fees determined by annual base rate of 1 credit

4.5.22. Student writing Bachelor diploma work is tutorial free and added 2 credits to total collected credits. Bachelor degree graduation work is done according to literary structure and level of research and needed to regulate to standards and applicable regulations of the MNUE.

4.5.23. In general duration of studying in bachelor classes is 3.5 years up. Maximum duration of bachelor studies is no more than 2.5 years plus normal bachelor years, and in certain circumstances it may be different.

4.5.24. Student free classes are not considered in study period. According to credits gained during studying, graduation is held twice a year: in winter and in spring terms.

4.5.25. Uploading curriculum framework, curriculum is done through teaching information system websites and publication as a manual form is prepared by Office of Academic Programs of schools and it accesses it publicly available by program office at the beginning of academic year.

4.5.26. Organization of training adheres to the following structures:

  • Lecture section is organized with 60-120 students, seminars 30-40, lab groups 20-25 (natural science classes have 15-20 students), practice classes have 15-20 considering the practical lessons and laboratory features.
  • Considering specification of some bachelor training course features there is less than 20 students in a professional practical or lab group. It is decided by the school principal’s board and made decision according to it.
  • Creation of group is canceled if number of students involved in undergraduate classes is fewer than 15. In this case regulation or distributed elsewhere, postponing the selection group is done by Curriculum Department. Number of Distance learning group must be at least 10. If they choose online training courses, it is organized regardless of the number of students.
  • The above-mentioned provisions are developed according to school classroom facilities, academic distinction, number of students selected on the basis of lesson in school curriculum by the program integrated administration.

4.6.            Evaluation of Students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes

4.6.1.      System to evaluate students is developed to support, develop students’ self-study, and evaluate students as consultancy, directing, working principles in view of co-teaching concepts.

4.6.2.      Process of assessment of students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes is based on research facts and it must be objective, fair and clear.

4.6.3.      The same profession enrolled in day, evening, correspondence class students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes are evaluated by the same training program, curriculum content.

4.6.4.      The main form in the course curriculum to assess students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes is the evaluation process or the midterm tests and teachers taught lesson evaluate them fully by 100%.

4.6.5.      In academic standards are shown forms of knowledge, skills, attitudes held by students. For example, projects, report’s defending, tests, essays and other equivalent cells and materials.

4.6.6.      Requirements are strict observation of the evaluation forms set in academic standards for professional appraisal assignments students are evaluated by the same regardless of the field of their study. Standards monitoring performance are done by the required unit staff.

4.6.7.      If the practice is evaluated as school assessment score as an evaluation of the credit is in report. Practical defending of the report is done within 14 days after the end of practicum and regulated by the students’ practical training in separate procedure.

4.6.8.      Students’ academic performance is evaluated by total score and grade point assessment at the end of each term. Total score and grade point assessment of each subject student score results of the corresponding credit is multiplied and their sum calculated dividing the sum of credits, the average (arithmetic), and precision of decimal places.


  • n – number of courses
  • Ki- given (i) number of lesson credit hour
  • Oi (Дi) - given (i) number of subject score (grades)
  • TSc (GPA)total score (grade point assessment)

4.6.9.      Each student is assessed for the duration of each term and given the total scores. He is shown his total score and GPA, make evaluation for his studies. In this way he plans his further studies.

4.6.10.  Students’ grade point assessment and total grades are used to show his/her assessment in term, academic year, duration of studies, professional program gained for this period of studies and be placed by scores. These are the key factors for awarding of students, awarded scholarships to identify and finish as well as international schools and graduate continuing studies.

4.6.11.  Student tests are mandatory with student’s ID.

4.6.12.  Total score of student’s knowledge, approach and attitude assessment gained during the whole term would be written in “Student’s Evaluation List of Term” (Annex A) with the according score in percent and number. The percentage of student’s lesson activity and participation, midterm test, assignments – self-independent work assessment are included in academic standards in relation to the academic nature.

4.6.13.  Students gained 61 and more points refer to study the contents of the course, accomplishing credit. And students gained 60 or less point or graded incomplete are considered not enough students deemed ‘‘learned of outstanding credit to school”.

4.6.14.  Examination like exam is assessed in 100 points. Student scores evaluated as 61 or more would be assessed as “passed”, and as 60 or less – as “not passed” and taking into consideration it is marked as “S” and “U” in assessment list.

4.6.15.  Percentage point and case number of the link between performance and results reported in the following relevant. This includes:


Percentage Grades by letter Total grades by number
98-100 A+ 4.3
94-97 A 4.0
91-93 A- 3.7
88-90 B+ 3.3
84-87 B 3.0
81-83 B- 2.7
78-80 C+ 2.3
74-77 C 2.0
71-73 C- 1.7
68-70 D+ 1.3
64-67 D 1.0
61-63 D- 0.7
30-60 F 0
0-29 W Totals shouldn’t be considerate



4.6.1.      In addition to student’s assessment in number and letter there are used additional symbols as I, E, NC, CR, R, W, WF, NA, NR, S, U. These symbols can be used to determine the case of the student GPA reduced diameter, allowing students to control the amount assessment and increasing their assessment, amounts of credits transfer to other schools. They are:

  • I (Incomplete) - Justifiable reason formative assessment (used reports, assignments and practical work incomplete, failed the midterm test/ exam, etc.) is less in terms performing recovery test period and tested.
  • E (Examine incomplete by student)- Marking by teacher for justifiable reasons the case has not been evaluated.
  • NC (No Credit)Credits would not notated, but it would considered as student attended the course. Tags for successful case studies from licensed credit not notated study classes.
  • CR (Credit Granted)this would be marked when transfer the credits of other institutions and it is written in diploma annex.
  • R (Repeat) - Ones have successfully studied, but in a certain reason made a request to re-study the lesson student’s previous demonstrated study result is marked as R. In this case it is possible for re-studying.
  • W (Withdrеw)If students study verify the results are impossible to study further or lack of research and recognize that student want to make this mark. Re-study courses are considered as new classes as recorded.
  • WF (Withdrew Failing)When students study became apparent lack of a lesson or F rating, or lesson of any type (lectures, seminars laboratories, practicum) participation in 1/3 teachers make this designation.
  • NA (grade Not yet Available)The sign of a lesson which is not evaluated or in studying process.
  • NR (No grade Reported)This notation would be put automatically from marking system when the teacher is not included final evaluation assessment within the given period.
  • S (Satisfactory)-Passedmark.
  • U (Unsatisfactory) - Not passedmark.

4.6.2.      Teacher gives students’ results and hand to the school program office staff into management information systems program published within the last day in the course of the term, and verified. Repair test site is prohibited.

4.6.3.      I, E signed students to obtain results within the first month of the next term school program office would confirm E results.

4.6.4.      Additional markings academic credits are not considered in total GPA.

4.6.5.      Teachers have to explain students how to take the progress assessment or midterm tests at the beginning of course study.

4.6.6.      Formative assessment tests include participation, activity, progress test, assignments and term exam assessment. Each one would be done according to “Methodology on students’ knowledge, approach and attitude evaluation” (Annex A). Scores are fragmentary approach may be variations depending on the type of class format, features and regulated by relevant academic standard.

4.6.7.      Teachers take progress tests at least twice in order to evaluate continuously making uniform evaluation by taught lesson. Teachers can take progress test materials in electronic form from program office.

4.6.8.      If student not allow the progress assessment regulation (copy from others, let other student take exam instead, use unauthorized books, notebooks etc.) it is acceded to make protocol and put this student F mark.

4.6.9.      Review aims to assess a student’s ability to be used in a session held theory of cognitive and practical activities.

4.6.10.  The evaluation tasks include full academic content with multiple versions and proved by program responsible department. The last evaluation of academic content is done on progress and result assessments by the teacher and announced to students and before the last day of the term is uploaded to the database.

4.6.11.  Evaluation process is completed before the stop and ride of public transportations. Teachers making final performance evaluation are permitted to organize it on weekend and non-school hours. In this case, it has to be agreed by students and the ads are delivered to each student.

4.6.12.  If student had classes according to special plan or unable to obtain ones assessment on scheduled time by justified reason he/ she should inform it to the Head of relevant department and in consultation with the teacher can take exam in advance or reimbursement in advance.

4.6.13.  According to given situation to 4.6.27 it is allowed to attend the student classes in condition to obtain results within the first month of the next term. In the case of amount and other requirements are done it is available to continue studying and making selection of the next term classes. In other case, for example, a student is working in a foreign country, involving in study and tourist program it does not allowed change the release date.

4.6.14.  At the beginning of academic term students take level in foreign language and in this case they can select according level classes. And when foreign languages and information technology students to get the basic lessons to request an appropriate level of knowledge and ability, to take the exam to pay the equivalent charge in 1/3 of the course credit and pass exam results will be received the payment of the course. In this case, they confirm their evaluation before the subject selection process.

4.6.15.  Students with term excuse or other reasons wanted to continue studying in the case of academic program changes depending on the level of courses and programs, examination difference, regardless of the load of classes and tests be offset previously determined professional team, Office of Academic Programs of school and professor’s team.

4.6.16.  Assessments of students without tuition payment for the term would not include in student information database and the following term classes are not chosen. Students with refused permission to obtain term results for obvious reasons would not include in assessment list. When make a payment to compensate for the amount and recover the option should pay an additional service fee. The amount of payment is discussed by Board of Directors and confirmed by the MNUE President’s order.

4.6.17.  Teacher organizes academic progress and performance evaluation tests by himself, and they are designed to cover full content of the course objectively assess students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes. Evaluation forms (as spoken, written and etc.), scoring design are done by the teacher himself and is distributed to students at the beginning of the term to establish itself within the curriculum.

4.6.18.  Exam taking requirements (such as books, references may be used, including what to do with used only prepared responses) are established by the examination teachers.

4.6.19.  Number of examination forms and instructions (questions), its content, structure, duration of answer preparation etc. are well developed from the methodological training point. The process of term evaluation is controlled by department professors’ team and program office staff.

4.6.20.  A leading student who actively and regularly takes part at the lesson during the term, successfully evaluated in mid-term exams readily can take term exam evaluation. This issue is known to many students, openly discussed. Directly evaluated students’ number is less than 10% of tested students.

4.6.21.  Student is given mandatory progress review evaluation in each studied 30 credits and students’ progress assessment, analysis and upload the website ensuring Central Office of Academic Programs.

4.6.22.  To make officially the united progress assessment students pay 0.3 credit payment to perform formal level. In this case examination schedule, level of exam has announced in the students’ online system. Student chose the schedule and level to test.

4.6.23.  United progress exam is organized according to the guidelines. Inspection work assignment database, test and aggregate result are done by working group appointed by order of President of the MNUE.

4.6.24.  Bachelor Diploma is not granted to students of the MNUE who gained less than 70% of average progress assessment though had studied all credit hours according to the curriculum. In the case of re-making average assessment they make request to the Office of Academic Programs of School in the next term and have decision accordingly.



4.7.            Independent Audits

4.7.1.      If necessary, Commission established by the decision of the School Director and Central Office of Academic Programs could organize independent audits on students’ demonstrated knowledge, skills testing.

4.7.2.      If the same conditions (one teacher taught and reviewed) study groups student meet the following relationship allocations it is considered normal one. If this relationship is violated by conflict of teacher and student to review teaching and learning activities, students’ knowledge and ability to get any real, honest evaluation and specify the nature from the Office of Academic Programs of School could be done independent audits. If necessary they take independent verification test.



Percent on 100 points Assessments by letters Percentage
98-100 A+ 2-25
94-97 A
91-93 A-
88-90 B+ 15-30
84-87 B
81-83 B-
78-80 C+ 20-40
74-77 C
71-73 C-
68-70 D+ 15-30
64-67 D
61-63 D-
31-60 F- 0-25
0-30 W


4.6.1.      To avoid complaints about the performance and technical errors students’ results will be online within 7 days after the verification. Office of Curriculum Affairs is notified of an error in the program period.

4.6.2.      If student considered an error after receiving the results or the course grades may validate a request for review. Request is given in written form within 14 days after the end of term to the Head of Office of Academic Programs of his or her relevant school. Complaints will not be accepted if exceeds the deadline.

4.6.3.      Commission which is established by the school director’s decision would make an audit according to principles on making complaint students’ assessment, evaluation, used methodology, tools (whether policy response and test answer are correct) and then would make appropriate decision. If the conclusion and assessed examination papers are fair it would be concluded the assessment given by the Commission considered as final evaluation.

4.6.4.      Complaints about the evaluation paid resolved. Payment amount would be solved by the Director’s Council Meeting.

4.7.           Assessment of Remedial Courses

4.7.1.      Students who scored 60 or less in mandatory courses are examined again in order to achieve academic credits.

4.7.2.      Student with successful grades (61 or more) to improve his gained knowledge, skills and assessment can re-study up to 3 courses in a term.

4.7.3.      If student would re-study course graded with 61 or more pre-assessment would be marked as “R” in training database by the Office of Academic Programs.

4.7.4.      Students registered for classes, fully paid tuition fee for this subject, and completely done requirements for study and gained last assessment for a study session would be recent assessment of the official estimate.

4.7.5.      Last results and credits gained during studying are put in the annex of the graduate diploma.

4.8.           School providing formal and informal documents

4.8.1.      Student’s ID would be presented after MNUE President’s decision on enrolling students. In case of lose student’s identity card may receive ID compensation.

4.8.2.      Identification of student of the MNUE, formal assessment definition on studying at the university would be given by the Office of Academic Programs of School. Informal assessment identification could be taken by student from the information database. In the range of determination to learn applied the same amount of results (from the failure of the student study subject).

4.8.3.      Graduate student successfully studied according to this regulation and required to take bachelor diploma would be awarded by education degree proved by the diploma and a badge.

4.8.4.      Program Office would give certificate on graduation and formal certificate on grade assessments in diploma annex. The list of diploma annex excluding results from failure while attending the university.

4.8.5.      Since 2000 MNUE graduate bachelor, upper-graduate master and doctorial course students’ lost, destroyed, was not available diplomas request reimbursement name replaced diploma’s requests would be compensated.

4.8.6.      Diplomas before 2000 would not be compensated. It could be given formal stamped and signed definition on entering and finishing the university data.

4.8.7.      On the compensated diploma would be written the date, number of grant diploma finished for old graduate ones which must be verified by the current command and the relevant people sign, seal and emblem.

4.8.8.      On the compensated diploma the note about re-issued one should be written.

4.8.9.      For compensation graduate diploma and materials fees are paid a fee equivalent to 3 credits of the academic year.

4.8.10.  Individual request references service will be paid respectively 5 000 in Mongolian and 10 000 in English.

4.9.           Tuition fee

4.9.1.      Tuition payment is calculated additional costs by study lesson credits’ fee depending on selected courses form of academic credits, school chose to study. Students pay tuition fee before course selection.

4.9.2.      Credit payments consist of teachers and instructional costs and process for some basic fee is fixed and the administration, as well as training activities related training services.

4.9.3.      Credit payments could be different on social and humanity science, natural science, paintings and technology classes.

4.9.4.      In addition each student pays tuition of extra fees and charges related to graduation and dormitories.

4.9.5.      Appropriate criteria for qualifying students can attend tuition grants and loans from institutions and individuals.

4.9.6.      Governing Board will prove the amount of credit hours of term and academic year base fees annually and it is not changed during the academic year.

4.9.7.      Procedures for all types of fees and charges associated with training services and they are adopted by Finance and Economy Office of the MNUE before the start of the new academic year.

4.10.       Acquit and withdraw from the University

4.10.1.  Student requested to be acquitted is completely acquitted from school. The school director would give order according to payment and reporting estimated reckon list.

4.10.2.  If student is acquitted since the start of the term within 4 weeks of school training exempt from the payment is refunded 75% of the credit hours. When the school day for more than 5 weeks refund would not be done.

4.10.3.  If newly enrolled student desired to be acquitted from the classes within 4 weeks since the start of academic classes pay a service fee for admission records received, the student code provided, and training management services, including registration information system equal to 2 credits of hours.

4.10.4.  When requesting release within 14 days after the school day the next term payment is paid back.  If the payment due after 14 days student pay 25% of the next term tuition fee.

4.10.5.  Based on the integrated administration and finance division and 4.12.10 provisions of this procedure, Vice President for Academic Affairs, The Central Office of Academic Programs and Finance Office definitions fees included 4.11.3, 4.11.4 provisions of the program could be set down to 50 – 100%.

4.10.6.  Student is removed from school for the following reasons: if he/she was not registered at lesson after expiration date, do not requested to be elongated, do not attend classes during 3 terms, the remainder of the term lesson the total credits paid tuition for the circumstances cannot be successfully collected, the agreement and the procedures established schools give warnings about negative school program administration repeat violations have not be paid in warned time and deceiving forging skills evaluated the knowledge, skills and performance specifications by moral crimes, series violations include the established law-enforcement agencies. Student papers issued credit will be equal to 2-credit service charge.

4.10.7.  If student removed from school the term payments are not returned.

4.12.      Transition of Movement Coordination

4.12.1.  Students meet one of the following conditions may apply for transferring to study to the MNUE. This includes:

  • Domestic and foreign universities with cooperation and exchange contracts with mutual recognition of credits students with MNUE
  • Domestic University received accreditation program by the National Council of Education Organization Accreditation

4.12.2.     Student to transfer for studying at the MNUE meets the following conditions. This includes:

  • Studied at domestic or foreign university not less than 1 year with more than 2.0 total assessment result and collected not less than 15 credits for a term
  • General profession orientation and general enrollment exam identically
  • With clear transfer studying reason (if transferring from the foreign university attributes health condition, family hardship or natural disasters, political and economic emergency and severe would be related to it)

4.12.3.     Except as provided in 4.12.1. 4.12.2 of the regulations, it would not be allowed to transfer for studying at the MNUE.

4.12.4.     Students in the study collected credits would be less than MNUE credits are not allowed credits to be transferred. Lack of credits are not able to collect or explore complementary add. If the excess shall be transferred to the academic credits allowed by the MNUE.

4.12.5.     If the thought of the school credits from the definition of the MNUE calculated at different learning content transfer all the credit based on the credit description follows in the National University of Education (the nearest 0.5).

4.12.6.     MNUE student meets the following conditions may apply to study to another program. This includes:

  • Study not less than 1 year with more than 2.0 total grades
  • General profession orientation and general enrollment exam identically
  • Have no special conditions for studying program or not enrolled under a single organization or agreement
  • Owe tuition.

4.12.7.     Students transfer academic credits issues are studied by the School Program Office Manager, professional department, head of professors’ team and decision would be proved by the School Director

4.12.8.     Students’ general background and professional background of the earlier studied courses shall be transferred no more than 30 credit hours.

4.12.9.     Transferred students pay transfer fees in addition to term tuition fees. If students transfer to study from the other schools of the MNUE pay a fee equal to 30%, if from outside ones must pay a fee equal to 50%.

4.12.10. If transferred student has the following justified reasons on the base of official documents and evidence based, Vice President of Education can set the transition payment to decrease to 100%. This includes:

а. orphans or disabled,

b. families are very poor,

c. The child who is from teachers or workers’ families of the MNUE who has worked not less than 5 years as a main personnel.

4.12.11. According to the 4.12.9 provision of the procedure it is based on evidence of official documents. It includes: “A” and “B” conditions back home belonged to bullets, Committee on Administration certificate specifications; in “C” condition it would be considered MNUE quality assurance and monitoring certificate.

4.12.12. 50% of transferring fee is delivered to the school account and the rest ones are delivered to “MNUE Developing Fund” through bank delivering process.

4.12.13. Transferring student prepares the following documents. They include:

  • more clearly apply reason form
  • definition certificate confirming the student of the studying school and copy of the first joined order
  • stamped, sealed, signed official document of the School Program Office confirming studied subjects name, credits, grade assessment lists
  • document confirming gained complete secondary education and its copy
  • general admission examination certificate has been given by the enrollment time to the university and its copy
  • confirmation document on service payment
  • application form if the MNUE student applied to transfer to another program of study (statement or other required information could be downloaded from the MNUE information site) etc.

4.12.14.       If above-mentioned documents are written in a foreign language they are officially translated and have notarized

4.12.15.       If the abovementioned documents of transferring student are not delivered, this student’s request would be resolved in the context of the next term student-moving division issues.

4.12.16.       The Office of Academic Programs of School would receive transferring students’ documents with referred in 4.12.13 provision materials before 1 week when classes start in fall term and in winter term after 1 week when classes finish.

4.12.17.       After the director’s order to be transferred the use of information database permission is sent to students by electronic mail and students’ ID is given.

4.12.18.       Depending on nature of professional program specification taking additional exams, interviewing, identifying of migrants learning levels and etc. are allowed to settle by the school internal regulation procedures.

4.12.19.       Student is allowed to be transferred only once.

4.12.20.       It is not allowed to transfer from evening and correspondence classes into daily classes of studying.

4.12.21.       Of someone has justified reasons he/ she is transferred from daily class into evening class on the given profession. In this case the transferring student is given permission in written form on not taking tuition grants while attended daily class.

4.12.22.       Graduates from the MNUE with higher education diploma degree could apply for taking bachelor degree undergraduate credits would be decided by the difference compared with an existing curriculum of the academic year curricular.

4.13.                 Students’ practicum

  1. Requirements and organization for teaching practice

4.13.1.           Practice is reflected in the form of required course curriculum, organized by the MNUE official guidelines. Fellow teachers’ drills held a special guidance in accordance with the relevant resolutions.

4.13.2.           MNUE student studying by the teacher’s education curriculum provide practicum at certain areas of education training at the secondary school, making research on teachers and students’ state activities and orientation, get known about students’ psychological characteristics, teachers and apprentice pilot study, teaching and practice through self-teaching during which time students reinforce lessons in professional teaching knowledge, skills and educational background, and possesses the appropriate level of teaching skills.

4.13.3.           Practices are organized as introductory practice, research study I, II, apprentice pilot study, experiment teaching, and teaching and continuity in the form of teaching and accompaniment of continuous management.

4.13.4.           Teaching practice is done at the kindergartens and secondary schools. If they do practicum on lessons which are not taught at secondary schools they can provide it at the universities, institutes, colleges or professional training centers.

4.13.5.           MNUE professional departments/ professors’ team for student entities can be used to identify an agreement to organize the teaching practice, practice management teaching and practice to ensure the highlight student rights and responsibilities.

4.13.6.           Practicum students are organized by the team of 4-8 people. Taking into consideration the professional features it could be organized in 12 people in a team. Also it is allowed to make in individual form depending on the characteristics and practice of human resources of taking organization.

4.13.7.           If student does practicum individually, it is made four sides mutual agreement between professional department, the Office of Academic Programs of School, training organization providing the practice and the student (agreement is done by each practice according to sample model proved by the MNUE).

4.13.8.           The application of the students to convey to practice for companies and organizations request is taken by the professional department, professors’ team and they submit requests to the Office of Academic Programs of School and the service is resolved within one week.

4.13.9.           Students gained knowledge, skills and attitude by practicum is scored (100) and practicum guidebook includes student attendance, participation, and practice requirements for book keeping and scoring and practicing defense fund and reports.

4.13.10.       During the practice students perform the activities specified in the internship workshop notebook I and II according to guidelines closely and keep meticulous notes. Management trainer will summarize the book of records for each of the operating performance.

4.13.11.       If students are practicing, but failed defending of the final report to be allowed to defend within 14 days. If they officially made order to do practice and have chosen it, but had not done tasks specified internship program and book they compensate the price paid internship credit to have re-defense of practice.

4.13.12.       In the absence of a few days, students practice due respected reason is to be allowed to compensate for the rest of the practice. If the practice timing duration is less than 2/3 it is calculated that the practice cannot be compensate for the rest of practice.

4.13.13.       Led practice teachers such as MNUE lecturer and secondary school based consultant should sign the students’ assessment confirming his/ her practicum it is submitted to the Office of Academic Programs of School. Also students’ assessment is included in training database within the last day of the term.

4.13.14.       Practice led teachers’ work is evaluated and given credits according to “Regulations for the MNUE lecturers”.

4.13.15.       MNUE lecturers led the practice, consulting professor, staff of the Office of Student Services give the students teaching practice guidelines and, rules and regulations how to behave, and provide advice to follow a teacher ethics.

4.13.16.       Defending students’ practicum report is evaluated by the professional committee consisting of representatives of the Department teachers.

4.13.17.       Led practice teachers’ job payment is done according to 4.2 provision of the “Regulations for the MNUE Teachers”

4.13.18.       Other relations are regulated by Practice curriculum, guidelines and contracts.

  1. Field and Workshop Management and Organization

4.13.19.       In order to enrich students’ gained in class theoretical knowledge, skills and attitudes through practice in enterprises and in the field is called industrial practice, practice made in the natural landscapes, historical and cultural sites is called field practice. 

4.13.20.       School staff organizes industrial practice in case of having enterprise practice providing environment training center. In this case the duration of practice is determined with the consultation of The Central Office of Academic Programs and practice is led by lecturer, appointed by the department and professors’ teams.

4.13.21.       Field practice has the certain routes. Routes to be confirmed by the School Director’s Council and field practice should be done under direct management of lecturer who is appointed by the professional department or professors’ team. When it is necessary to change confirmed field practice duration or routes the led teacher informs field trip locations to school administration.

4.13.22.       Field practice can be done depending on lesson goals at the plant, breeding, training and research oriented place of the state or non-state organizations, natural landscapes, historical and cultural places of interest of project, program, science or industrial importance places

4.13.23.       Professional department or professors’ team will make contract with the student providing industrial or field practice to ensure rights and obligations of the participant sides.

4.13.24.       Practice providing teachers and students are covered by health and accident insurance and it is done by their responsibilities.

4.13.25.       The school staff choose the transport and drivers to lift students to industrial or field practice places making contract with them (contract would be done according to the MNUE sample model)

4.13.26.       Safety reflects the common practice, objects, and factors that may clear practice guidelines developed programs that take account of the features that will be followed by the relevant professional departments or professors’ team to media and accident conditions and use.

4.13.27.       Obligations under “Student safety guidelines have them responsibilities contract” are clear noticed to confirm each letter presented to reflect student manual. For example:

  • prevent from natural disasters such as flood, storm, lightening, earthquake, fire, also is not allowed to make open fire and when they move   extinguish the fire,
  • it is forbidden to do such things as driving cars, swimming, climbing on the rocks which are not mentioned in practice instruction and  not do any act that might lead to accidents,
  • it is forbidden to wash clothes and utensils in the river, and prohibit pollution such as waste disposal, persistent, and the historical, cultural and natural protection,
  • teachers forbidden to take own or others child, family members who are not related to provide practice with, lift people in their transportation and when vehicles delayed let students to lift to other’s transportation.

4.14.              Graduation

4.14.1.           Vice-President for Academic Affairs works as a Chair of Graduation Committee. The Graduation Committee of MNUE has the following members: Head of The Central Office of Academic Programs, Directors of schools. Curriculum Specialist who is in charge of admission and graduation is appointed as the secretary of the Graduation Committee. Directors of schools are also head the sub-committees, Head of Office of Academic Programs of Schools, and Departments, Head of professors’ team are the members of the sub-committee and specialist of the Office of Academic Programs of School works as a secretary of the sub-committee by the appointment of the president of the MNUE. Graduation Committee provides general management activities at MNUE and Sub-committees work for the graduation at schools.

4.14.2.           Graduation Committee provides general management and organization throughout the MNUE and Sub-committee takes activities through the schools.

4.14.3.           Graduation Committee and Sub-committee write report after each graduation and send it to schools. The report should include conclusion about  professional quality level of graduates, course content and technology and some further suggestions and guidelines about the problematic issues related to graduation.

4.14.4.           Graduate must be a student who enrolled at the MNUE by an order of president of the university, successfully completed all foundation and specialty courses in the curriculum framework and fulfilled some special requirements of procedure and statute from the relevant professors’ team and schools.

4.14.5.           If the graduate chooses courses of double majors, s/he should complete all compulsory and specialty courses in each curriculum framework and fulfill some special requirements of procedure and statute from the relevant professors’ team and schools. If a graduate completes double majors, 2 diplomas should be awarded to the graduate.

4.14.6.           Graduate should pay all tuition and other student service fees.

4.14.7.           Bachelor degree receiver should have studied all general foundation and specialty courses in undergraduate curriculum framework, and collected at least 120 credits and graded no less than GPA 1.7.

4.14.8.           A senior student who can satisfy all the above mentioned requirements sends a request of graduation to The Central Office of Academic Programs at the beginning of academic year and graduation is held twice a year in winter and spring terms.

4.14.9.           Sub-committee decides issues of graduation of the student who missed courses with no excuses based on the suggestion and recommendation from the Office of Academic Programs of School where the student goes.

4.14.10.       The Central Office of Academic Programs reviews the request of the graduation from each student working with the relevant department and professors’ team of the school and it informs to the student by online whether s/he can graduate or not, satisfy all the graduation requirements of the university or not as well as the information of the graduation ceremony.., etc.

4.14.11.       If a student can not graduate from the university within the semester which   he or she can make a request in the next semester.

4.14.12.       Graduation Sub-Commission sends name list of the prospective graduates to the Graduation Committee in the beginning of the semester.

4.14.13.       According to the procedure, students who satisfy the graduation requirements of the MNUE are awarded bachelor degree with diploma and diamond shaped pin badge by an order of director of MNUE.

4.14.14.       Chair of Governing Board, the President of MNUE, Head of Graduation Committee, Director for Academic Affairs, and Director of relevant schools of MNUE sign on the bachelor diploma. Bachelor diploma is verified with number, registration number and pin badge.

4.14.15.       Bachelor diploma is valid with appendix, which includes all grades, GPA and credits of majors and minors, the students have completed during the studies and other relevant grades. Appendix is sealed and signed by Head of the Central Office of Academic Programs and Head of Office of Academic Programs of Schools of MNUE.

4.14.16.       Diploma and its appendix is designed according to a certain standard and style prepared at the Central Office of Academic Programs of MNUE.

4.14.17.       A graduate who completed all compulsory courses with less than 1.7 GPA is awarded a Certification of Completion of all courses at MNUE if s/he wants.

4.14.18.       Graduation sub-commission prepares and sends all the following documents to the university archive:

  • Decision from the Graduation Sub-Commission of MNUE (according to the design and form approved by the Central Office of Academic Programs)
  • Copy of registration list of awarded diplomas (by independent curriculum)
  • Description of studies
  • Copy of diploma
  • Original copy of diploma appendix
  • Student ID card
  • Routing slip

4.14.19.       Description on university graduation and diploma appendix are given to a graduate by the central Office of Academic Programs of MNUE and it is possible to check original diploma by online.

4.14.20.       Replacement of Original Diploma is based on the materials in archive if there is a request from a graduate and the process is regulated by a special procedure. Replacement of diploma because, for example, there is an error made by graduation commission members is regulated by relevant valid procedures and regulations.

4.14.21.       Changing transcripts illegally and using fake diploma is charged and regulated by relevant Mongolian laws and regulations.

4.14.22.       Bachelor diploma and diamond shaped pin badge of graduation is awarded to the graduates officially and ceremonially. In the beginning of award ceremony, order of MNUE president is delivered to the audience.

4.14.23.       Graduation ceremony is celebrated as academic ceremony among all the graduates, delegates of parents, friends and others.

4.14.24.       Each graduate pays graduation fee of which its amount approved by Board of Directors of MNUE.

4.15.                 Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the procedure

4.15.1.           The Central Office of Academic Programs and Office of Academic Programs of Schools conduct monitoring and evaluation to the implementation of the regulations, and inform the results to the both sides and use them in order to increase the quality of training.

4.15.2.           Department of Quality Assurance and Monitoring conducts audits in the process of implementing the procedure and, if necessary, amendments are added to the procedure.

4.15.3.           Monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the procedure is done based on the different sources such as school annual report, research materials from the branch schools, departments, surveys from the graduates, students, lecturers and employers as well as latest audit findings.