Internationally Accredited Degree Programmes


The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN) is a non-profit association founded in July 1999. Since then it has provided expert support to German and international universities in the implementation of accreditation procedures on the programme and institutional level. It is a leader nationally and internationally in the accreditation of programmes in engineering, the natural sciences, mathematics, computer sciences as well as in medicine and economics. The following MNUE degree programs are accredited by ASIIN.

  • The “Teacher, Mathematics Education” programme (D011401) is the package of programmes aimed to prepare mathematics and informatics teachers. Accredited by ASIIN on 2018, and extended until 2023.
  • The “Teacher, Natural Sciences Education” program (D011402) is the package of physics, chemistry, biology and geography teaching programs. Students study full time on daily basis and graduate with a bachelor degree in Educational studies, and are eligible to teach Biology at lower and upper secondary school levels. Accredited by ASIIN on 2021, and extended until 2024.

Chemistry Teacher Education

As one of the 4 first departments the Nature-Earth department of the Teacher Training Institute has started training chemistry teachers since 1951. Later in 1957 the Chemistry-Nature department was founded when the Teacher Training Institute became the State Pedagogical Institute, and since 1960 it has been extended to the Chemistry department. Starting from 1977 the correspondence program has been opened for training teachers with higher education qualifications. From 1977 to 1993 the department trained Chemistry teacher jointly with the Chemistry department. Chemistry teachers started to be trained since 1990. In 1993 a new program for training Chemistry-Natural science teachers with double majors was opened. Since 2014 due to MNUE programs reform the department has been running the “Teacher, Natural Sciences program” to prepare chemistry teachers and professionals.

Currently the department delivers bachelor, master and doctoral degree programs for training chemistry professionals. The programs take place in classrooms and laboratories and industrial conditions. The department faculty members  have been cooperating with a number of national and international universities and research institutions.  

MNUE curriculum and programs have been approved and accredited by the National Council of Education Accreditation of Mongolia. The chemistry and natural sciences teacher education program was accredited in 2011 by the national agency (22 December 2011, decree 81).