The applicant must submit the following documents. These include:
Evidence of completeness or equivalent education
original /
Acceptance of general inspection scores
A certificate of study
Personal case
Citizen ID card
3x4 size photographs
English Language Proficiency Test
The new enrollment exam can be examined by the credits in English, 1, English-II, Information Technology, Physical Education, Mongolian Historical Culture, and Mongolian Language in accordance with 4.1.4 of the Student's Guide to the MSUE.
The student will pay an exam for 30% of the course fee, and the results will be reviewed by the study and then entered into the training system.
You are a student
How to order your student ID?
Students are enrolled and enrolled in a student code for authorization. It is possible to access banking, libraries and other services through electronic ID.
Tuition fees
The student needs to pay the base year's fee. In accordance with 4.10.1.
4.10.3 Credit payments may vary with social, humanitarian, natural sciences, engineering and technology courses.
4.10.4 In addition to the student's tuition fees, additional fees and dues will be paid in advance.
4.11.7 If the student is withdrawn from the school, the payment of the season will not be refunded.
How to apply for student teaching
1. Study experience
2. Study-1 practice
3. Study-2
4. Attendance
5. Teaching Teaching
6. Practice teaching and defending the report.
The student shall carry out the activities specified in Practice Draft 1 and 2 during the internship period and record the notes carefully and carefully. The supervisor will write a summary of the activity in the notebook.
Students who have insufficient qualifications for Psychology, Psychology classes and their internship or qualifications are not eligible for internship. In order to do so, the right to re-examine the program by requesting a written request to the program office and paying for the credits estimated by the program officer.
Health services
The MSU physician is located at No. 208, 2nd floor, 97th floor of 3 building. When you are ill, you can have a physician's exam and emergency assistance. 10th place is a physical therapy cabinet. Students will also be given 1-3 days of leave if necessary. The school physician will be sent to the Sukhbaatar Hospital in accordance with the schedule of the Ministry of Health and Sports to ascertain the diagnosis. If a student is 18 years old under the HIF law dated July 21, 2016, a student who has been paid for HI annual fee of 28,800 is recorded.
In order to support MSUE's student employment, "Student Employment Support Centers" have been established at the School of Public Administration and have been working closely with the Student Labor Exchange under the Capital City Labor Office.
Student counseling
4 students live in one department.
Dormitory fee is 4300000 MNT.
The "Student House" is more comfortable, with a room of 100 rooms and a new building. The annual cost of the building is $ 850000.
How to make lesson choices 1 and 2?
Lesson Selection 1 - Week 11 and 12th week of studying students have been selected for the next semester and confirmed "Option 1".
Lesson Selection 2 - Choice 2 is scheduled online 3 weeks prior to the beginning of the season and option 2 is completed online before the start of the queue or "0"
Your scholarship opportunities:
1. Discounted loan
2. Grant
3. The "Name of Director" of the Mongolian State University of Education
4. The "Support for Men's Student" at MSUE
5. Credit grant under the "Student Regulation" of the Mongolian State University of Education
5. Scholarships from NGOs, International organizations, Khan Bank, Golomt Bank and Bank of China
6. World Vision, Zorig Foundation and Oyu Tolgoi Project Scholarship
7. Program of President and Prime Minister of Mongolia
8. Receive a student loan loan from the Education Loan Fund for Student Loans
9. Road costs
10. Only 3 students from one family will receive 100% scholarships for one student tuition
11. Government scholarship "Highly Graduated Student" grants
12. Scholarship for Mongolian Government Scholarships
How to get rid of school and migration?
Student arrivals should meet the following requirements: The following are the general rules for admission.
The total credit difference of the total is not greater than 12. More than 12 credits can be transferred to the appropriate level.
You will not be able to move from graduate or non-accredited universities.
Attended the first entry into the program for one season or more
The median duration of the study is not less than 2.3