December 31, 2015
The Annex No. 1
by the University President’s Order No. A/265
Chapter 1: General Provisions
Article 1.
1.1. Legal basis for Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the regulation) of the Mongolian National University of Education (hereinafter referred to as MNUE) is Educational set of Law, Law on Labor, Public Service Act and Law on State and Local Property, Public Sector Management and Finance and Accounting Law, the Anti-Corruption Law, Conflict of Interest Law in Mongolia and MNUE’s other law and legislation.
1.2. The purpose of these regulations is to strengthen the labor discipline, effective organization of working hours and efficient use of labor and staff training facilities and the organization of internal processes, focus on improving service quality, productivity and labor interests of regulating the relationship between the parties, their rights and responsibilities to determine and provide the normal operation of the National University of Mongolia by providing managers and staff welfare, conditions and guarantees.
1.3. The following principles shall be adhered to implement internal procedures such as:
1.3.1. to have oriented planning through vision, mission, value and development program
1.3.2. to develop result-based management
1.3.3. to conduct user-friendly service
1.3.4. to develop humanistic, ethical and responsible labor relationship
1.3.5. to have work results and reports are complied with the plan
1.3.6. to develop performance-based, open, transparent and fair assessment
1.3.7. to develop quality assurance systems at all levels
1.3.8. to develop positive thinking and good attitude among colleagues
Chapter 2: Internal Office Functions
2.1.1. The Office of Mongolian National University of Education is responsible for the internal works by developing and implementing a human resource policy, developing legal framework compiling under the laws in force in Mongolian other legal acts issued in conformity with, being responsible for mass media and public relations, assisting with directors for their everyday work.
2.1.2. Director of the Mongolian National University of Education’s official statement, press conferences, advertisement and organizations internal and external public relations issues shall be developed by public relation officer in accordance with the recording standards, reviewed and submitted to the approval of the relevant authorities.
2.1.3. The Internal Office of Mongolian National University of Education is responsible for organizing the other entities working relationship, and organizing, discussing and concluding their work.
2.1.4. Mongolian National University of Education’s human resources policies developed and approved by the relevant legislation and educational issues with the board of directors meeting on the basis of a decree issued by the State Administrative Organizations and National University of Mongolia's strategic policy.
2.1.5. Non-teaching staff’s working hour records must be registered by an electronic device and human resource manager should combine the registration every month and Head of the Internal Office will review and introduce to the board of the director’s meeting. Working hour records information should be submitted to the financial department workers monthly and less hours worked estimated per 2,000 MNT deducted from the monthly salary.
2.1.6. The Internal Office shall be responsible for operational function, distribution and other relations.
2.2 The Function of Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office
2.2.1. The Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office shall implement its operation based on article of 6.4 of Law on State Supervision and Inspection, Mongolian Government Act (Law No. 311 of 2011) “An Entity, General Procedures for Organizing Internal Supervision of the Organization”, Government Act (Law No. 129 of 2012) “Internal Audit Rules”
2.2.2. The Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office shall work under the direct management of the MNUE director of the school to monitor the implementation of Mongolian laws and regulations applicable to the rules and regulations and shall make reports on the implementation by the relevant decisions presented to the board of directors. This procedure 3.1.2-3.1.15 shall be responsible for the activities carried out under the provisions.
2.2.3. Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office shall be responsible for organizing MNUE units’ work plans, reports as well as implementing wok relationships.
2.2.4. Action plan of the Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office shall be discussed and approved by the Director Board meeting of MNUE.
2.2.5. The University’s consolidated performance reports shall be published.
2.3 Board Activities and Management
2.1.1. The issues on rearrangement of basic and structural units, transition and dissolution of shall be decided by Mongolian National University of Education in accordance with article 3, paragraph 3.7 of the MNUE rule.
2.1.2. The Mongolian National University of Education will approve the revised number of discussions with the board of directors within 31st of December. The order for salary reset shall be issued within the first 7 days of January.
2.1.3. The Mongolian National University of Education's head of units will be responsible for their respective units according to the duty to provide daily management, organization and performance of duty and direction, and before the implementation of top-level board.
2.1.4. In absence of the unit's manager, an official shall be temporary responsible for acting on duty assigned to the director. Temporary executing official duties shall not be allowed to make command decisions on behalf of the unit's manager and shall only be organized daily activity monitoring.
2.1.5. The university school development policies, strategic plans, budgets and amendments, the amount of tuition fees, dormitory and service fees, and director’s report on relevant issues referred to the school principal and other related issues shall be discussed at the board meeting according to the law.
2.1.6. Meeting of the Academic Council shall determine and state MNUE’s direction of research and training on their theoretical and methodological level, and discuss its results, and make a conclusion and recommendation and the main priority rules and regulations shall be modified and approved. Academic Council operation shall be managed according to regulations.
2.1.7. Office of the Director's Council shall be consisted of Mongolian National University of Education’s director, deputy director, staff director and Head of the internal office.
2.1.8. Office of the Director's Council shall be consisted of the President of the Mongolian National University of Education, deputy rector, school directors and head of the internal office.
2.1.9. The Internal office shall review resolved issues of completion time and quality and results discussed by Director’s Board Meeting and present 2 times a year to the board of directors.
2.1.10. Urgent consultation of Director and Deputy Director shall make, by MNUE principals and staff office of the directors and heads of the unit, urgent consultations every 7 days.
2.1.11. The Internal office shall be responsible for tasks which discussed and concluded in the urgent consultation, give an information about tasks and their completion, sent letters, statements, complaints, terminable formal documents, make protocol journals and present to the other units.
2.1.12. Minutes shall be valid when chairman and meeting participants signed in accordance with public records basic tutorial of article paragraph
2.4 Planning, Budget Approving and Reporting
2.4.1. MNUE development program shall be made with the coordination of the government’s policy document and to be discussed by the university academic council meeting and approved and implemented by the board of directors. Result of the development program implementation presents a review stages to 5 and10 years.
2.4.2. Strategic plan for implementing the development program shall be developed by establishing a working group including representatives of service units. A strategic plan shall be discussed by the board of Directors and shall be followed by verification of Director’s command.
2.4.3. Deputy director shall make result contract with sub-school directors within 15th of January. To conclude execution of result contract and discuss work reports within 10th of December and 10th of June and it shall be joined to the Internal Office and discussed by Board of Director’s meeting
2.4.4. Structural units of MNUE shall plan their operation by a year and report it within December and June. Financial and economical operations shall be planned by calendar year.
2.4.5. The work plan for the next academic year shall be made and delivered to the Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office within 1st of June. The Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office shall assess reproducibility of the work plan, a master plan and development program and evaluation report shall be approved and presented by the board of directors within 1st of July.
2.4.6. 3-year program for developing departments, professors’ teams and centers shall be developed in accordance with development policy of the Mongolian National University of Education and it shall be discussed by departments. The departments, teams and heads of the centers shall make four-sided contract with the sub-school directors and the vice president for training and research and parties shall evaluate the results at the end of the contract term.
2.4.7. Departments, professor’s teams, laboratories and offices shall develop the following academic year plan in accordance with development program and it shall be discussed at the faculty meeting and delivered and approved by the sub-school director and shall be implemented further.
2.4.8. Academic year reports of the departments or professor’s teams, laboratories and offices shall be discussed by staff within the 10th of June and report as in the example shall be submitted by sub-school directors.
2.4.9. Yearly budget and work plan of the offices and sub-schools shall be submitted on the basis of provision of Article 5.3.2 of financial regulation.
2.4.10. Planning of fixed asset in budget, equipment and routine maintenance costs shall be consisted of materials, equipment and device name, type, mark, design and price comparison survey documents.
2.4.11. On the basis of the decision reviewed by a discussion in office meeting shall be reviewed by Integrated Financial offices and discussed and approved by the board of directors meeting within 10th of July.
2.4.12. Financial revenue and budget expenditure management and their transparency of MNUE and other relations shall be regulated by financial regulations of MNUE.
2.4.13. Implementation of rules related to financial activities in accordance with budget and evaluation of performance shall be checked by the Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office and presented to the board of directors meeting within 10th of February.
2.4.14. Department, professor’s team and heads of the laboratories shall make four-sided contract including plan for developing capacity of department, training style and researches with the Deputy President for Research, sub-school directors and heads of the departments and result shall be reviewed at the end of the year. Sub-school directors shall present the result to the Board of Directors.
2.4.15. The Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office shall be responsible for plan and evaluation of report performance and shall process the outcome through MNUE and integrate the report of MNUE and present to the council of the president within 15th of October. Report of each list is confirmed by the general report paper.
2.4.16. Rights and duties of all teachers, teacher recruitment, to give a free working year, job vacancies and to provide career rating, agreement and other issues related to these shall be regulated by teacher’s working procedure of MNUE.
2.4.17. Labor contracts for employees and teachers shall be made with time limit and the Professional Verification Commission shall solve the issue on work for the contract period and its results, the criteria for the position and changing position. Commission shall be established by the order of the director.
2.4.18. Office shall review the work report of entity and switch the roles depending on the results and work skills. In this case, it shall be presented to the board meeting and resolved by the board meeting.
2.4.19. Teacher staff’s work contract shall be terminated if they do not qualify in the position by assessment of professional verification commission.
2.4.20. Employees shall discuss the staff report, if not satisfied with the work results, the professional verification commission shall be established and the PVC / professional verification commission/ shall make a conclusion and solve the issue.
2.4.21. Public report meeting of MNUE shall be held within 1st of November once a year. The Internal Office shall be responsible for organizing the meeting and making time schedule by sub-schools. Sub-schools shall make a report meeting within 15th of October and there shall be representative from the Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office.
2.4.22. The Quality Assurance and Monitoring Office shall present the result and evaluation of report conference to board meeting.
2.5. Contract and Regulation of Cooperation
2.5.1. Internal office shall be responsible for developing contract and its style of MNUE’s performance and discussed and approved by the council of the president.
2.5.2. The contracts related to project shall be made by the president of research, president of offices /units/, head of departments and head of office and contract related to lawyers and finance shall be signed by the Head Financial Officer.
2.5.3. An agreement related to educational activities shall be concluded with Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Head of a relevant office or unit, and shall be reviewed and signed by the Lawyer. If the agreement is related to money and finance, the agreement shall be reviewed and signed by the General financier. If the agreement is related to human resources, then it shall be reviewed and signed by the human resource manager.
2.5.4. An agreement for performance of work, an agreement for repair and maintenance services, an agreement for procurement services and an agreement for contractual works shall be concluded with the Vice-President for Finance and the Head of a relevant office or unit, and shall be reviewed and signed by the General financier and the Lawyer.
2.5.5. An agreement can be concluded with and signed by the President of MNUE (Mongolian National University of Education) depending on amount of money and significance of cooperation. In addition, a relevant office or unit, the lawyer and the general financier shall review and sign on the agreement.
2.5.6. The President of MNUE shall sign and approve a cooperation agreement to be concluded with a foreign or domestic university, a scientific or other institution or organization.
2.5.7. An agreement shall be concluded with an authorized person who is to do data entry in Management Information System (MIS). The agreement shall be evaluated once in a year.
2.5.8. If the authorized person is engaged in illegal activities such as changing or modifying a student’s grades, amount of tuition fee in the Management Information System and/or transferring information to others, he/she shall be released from work, and the issue shall be resolved by a legal institution.
2.5.9. Execution and performance of the agreement shall be submitted to the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit in the Performance Agreement and Evaluation Form. The execution and performance of the agreement shall be presented at the meeting of Council of Administrators twice in a year.
2.6. Regulations of services and facilities management activities
2.1.1. If the buildings and equipment used in main educational activities are to be changed or modified for the purpose of improving and upgrading the service quality, the issue shall be resolved at the meeting of Council of Administrators. In this case, the following permissions are required. As follows:
- If the academic buildings and lecturers’ rooms are to be modified, the permission shall be provided by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs;
- If the students’ dormitory, service hall and university cafeteria are to be modified, the permission shall be provided by the Vice-President for Finance;
- If the library and the research laboratories are to be modified, the permission shall be provided by the Vice-President for Research;
2.1.2. A working group to do evaluation and analysis on implementation of relevant rules as well as utilization of buildings and facilities shall be organized by the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit within October 01.
2.1.3. An innovation center, a publishing house and other units may be established at the MNUE as an enterprise based on economic accounting registers for the purpose of improving internal services and operations.
2.1.4. The operations report of an enterprises based on economic accounting registers shall be evaluated at least twice in a year at the meeting of Council of Administrators. If it is determined that the activities of the enterprise were ineffective, the issue of liquidating the enterprise shall be settled in accordance with clause 3.7.2 of Rules of MNUE.
2.1.5. In the event of purchasing new equipment and tools for ensuring normal operations, the relevant request shall be submitted to the Service Office for review and approval by the said Office.
2.1.6. All the purchasing and procurement activities throughout the units, offices and constituent schools of MNUE shall be reviewed by the Service Office and the General Financier.
2.1.7. The Service Office shall develop a consolidated and approved price list for the products and services to be purchased in a month every month, and the price list shall be approved by the Head of Service Office and submitted to the relevant units. The report of submittal shall be provided to the Administration Department.
2.1.8. In case of any use of university vehicles by a foreign guest, a delegate or for university’s internal services, an order for vehicle shall be submitted to the Service Office a week ago for approval.
2.1.9. If a unit or office is to order a work or services to a concerning specialist or employee of another unit or office, the relevant communication shall be made through an order sheet which specifies the term, expected outcomes and quantity.
2.1.10. A concerning specialist or employee shall sign of the Work & services order sheet for confirming the outcomes. The reports and explanations regarding the implementation of work & services order shall be submitted to the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit every three month. The consolidated outcomes shall be presented at the meeting of Council of Administrators.
2.1.11. PR specialist shall upload the rules, regulations and instructions for the lecturers and employees in the university website.
2.1.12. The Head of a unit or office shall be responsible for reporting the information related to educational activities of MNUE, admission, graduation, procurement activities and other relevant latest news in due courses.
2.7. Activities of councils, units and working groups
2.7.1. The consolidation and establishment of “Lecturer Union” by the lecturers of MNUE shall be supported and promoted for lecturers’ professional development and cultural and public events. In this case, the Lecturer Union shall be a public organization having a separate charter.
2.7.2. The Lecturer Union shall submit the plan to celebrate a Teacher Day, a cultural festival, a competition and/or a public event for the lecturers of MNUE to the Council of Administrators for approval and confirmation. And the outcomes of the plan shall be presented to the Council of Administrators.
2.7.3. In accordance with the clause 2.2 of “Ethical rules for the public administrative servants”, Mongolian Government Resolution No: 288/2010 as well as the clause 4.4.4 of Rules and Regulations of MNUE, the Ethics Committee shall be established at the university.
2.7.4. The Curriculum Committee, Ethics Committee, Seniors Council and University Alumni shall submit their work plans to the Administration Department and their Operations plans shall be presented to the Council of Administrators once in a year.
2.7.5. The Professional Review Committee shall make a professional evaluation for an employee whether he/she meets the relevant requirements in terms of qualification, skills and health. Then it shall be presented to the Council of Administrators.
2.7.6. The Professional Review Committee and the Working group shall be established by the order of President. The work-related operations, relations and regulations shall be organized by the Working group, and the Operations report shall be presented to the concerning offices and units.
2.7.7. The information and outcomes related to the activities of the Professional Review Committee and the Working group shall be presented to the Council of Administrators twice in a year.
Three. Activities of Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
3.1.1. Appropriate implementation of laws, regulations and standards shall be applied through external evaluation, report discussion and appropriate decision for the implementation and execution of laws and regulations of Mongolia, the rules and regulations of MNUE, the President’s order, resolution, work plan of MNUE, financial accounting, storage of properties, educational activities and other projects and programs.
3.1.2. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall organize an External review commission for evaluating the curriculum, educational standard, lesson plan and student evaluation, and a relevant report regarding the implementation process and outcomes shall be presented to the concerning office and unit.
3.1.3. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall make analysis on supply and adequacy of office stationary and learning tools as well as economic and financial situations for each structural unit once in a year.
3.1.4. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall make analysis on implementation of projects and programs included in the master plan of MNUE, the scientific works, internal projects and programs.
3.1.5. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall make some recommendations and conclusions on improving the performance results by making analysis on work results of the scientific laboratory, the library, the centers and internships, as well as scientific works maintained by the faculties and units. Then these recommendations and conclusions shall be delivered to the concerning units or offices.
3.1.6. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall make analysis on implementation of the laws, regulations and rules related to the financial and economic activities of the university. In the event of any breach, it shall be resolved in the scope of relevant rules and regulations.
3.1.7. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall make analysis and conclusion on students’ tuition fees and other revenue collection, accounting, distribution and whether the revenue has been allocated and consumed in accordance with the budget.
3.1.8. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall make analysis on quality of capital and current repair and maintenance works of the affiliated schools and constituent schools. If the performance is evaluated poor, the reasons shall be determined.
3.1.9. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall work in a coherent manner by monitoring over the implementation of occupational safety and hygiene requirements for the learners, students, lecturers and employees of MNUE as well as the internal labor rules of the university.
3.1.10. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall conduct a satisfaction survey among all the people and employees related to activities and operations of the university.
3.1.11. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall conduct a satisfaction survey for the operations, work results and interpersonal skills of the directors of constituent schools, the heads and specialists of the offices and units among the lecturers, employees and students.
3.1.12. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit shall conduct a satisfaction survey for the lecturer’s teaching methods, evaluation, assistantship, interpersonal skills as well as lecturer productivity among the students.
3.1.13. The results of satisfaction surveys set forth of clauses 3.1.10, 3.1.11 and 3.1.12 of the rules shall be the evaluation criteria. The satisfaction survey shall be conducted in December and May in two stages.
3.1.14. If the satisfaction survey result is lower than 60%, a Review commission shall be established for evaluations and analysis. Then the result shall be discussed at the meeting of Council of Administrators.
3.1.15. A team consisting of delegates from Monitoring and Evaluation Unit and Administration units shall provide quality assurance and monitoring in accordance with the approved guidelines when evaluating the quality and results of the works performed by units and offices.
3.1.16. All the reports of analysis and evaluations conducted within the scope of quality assurance and monitoring works shall be presented to the President for discussion at the meeting of Council of Administrators.
3.1.17. In the event of any loss or damage to the university due to several defaults by an official or a specialist, a relevant accountability system shall be applied.
3.1.18. If the breach is felonious, the issue shall be resolved by a legal institution.
3.1.19. When confirming the quality of domestic works, the method of quality assessment and assurance based on evaluation shall be used.
Four. Labor relations
4.1. The principles to be used in labor relations
4.1.1. To esteem humanism, showing businesslike attitude and courtesy towards each other;
4.1.2. To respect other’s dignity and lawful interests;
4.1.3. Not to discriminate the lecturers, employees and students because of their nationality, language, race, age, gender, assets, position, viewpoints, education and religious belief;
4.1.4. To be free from personal interests, corruption and bribery in the course of performing his/her job duties;
4.1.5. All the employees and workers entering labor relations shall strictly follow the Principle of Management: namely, the Unity of Command, in which each subordinate should receive orders and be accountable to one and only one superior in the unit. The superiors in the unit shall give orders to only the employees and worker in the unit, not hindering the work performance by the employees and workers.
4.1.6. An issue related to any loss or damage incurred due to an employee’s failure in obeying the principles specified in clauses 4.1.1-4.1.5 of the rules shall be resolved in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and rules.
4.2. The obligations of the employer
4.2.1. The job duties of lecturers, employees and workers entering labor relations shall be determined in conformity with the relevant standards, laws and regulations. The job description shall be developed by a relevant unit in accordance with the sample and form approved by the Civil Service Council of Mongolia, and shall be discussed at the meeting of Council of Administrators.
4.2.2. The employer shall provide for the lecturers and employees with working conditions, tools and information required for performing their job duties, ensuring workplace safety and health by providing labor safety instructions and other instructions.
4.2.3. The employer shall provide for the lecturers and employees with the workplace, office stationaries, equipment, tools, safety wears and cleaning materials required for performing their job duties.
4.2.4. The employer shall pay the social insurance and health insurance premiums for the lecturers and employees in conformity with the package of social insurance laws, granting the allowances specified in the relevant laws, regulations as well as this rule.
4.2.5. The employer shall pay the salary, wages, incentives, allowances and relief compensation in accordance with the Public service payroll system, monitoring and recording employee utilization.
4.2.6. The salary and wages shall be paid twice in a month. (If an employee makes a reasonable request, one month salary can be paid in advance.)
4.2.7. An employee shall be entitled to an annual vacation. An employee who has not taken his or her annual vacation due to an unavoidable work need shall be entitled to a substitute vacation.
4.2.8. The employer shall receive and resolve the requests and complaints by the employees or students.
4.2.9. The requests and complaints received by the employer shall be resolved within 30 days. If necessary, the period can be extended for another 30 days. This extension shall be subject to notification to person submitting the request or complaint.
4.2.10. The employer shall make a note on the social insurance book of an employee whose employment agreement term ends. The employee shall have the routing slip filled out, by doing a job and property handover.
4.2.11. The employer shall assist the employees in improving their knowledge, education and skills.
4.2.12. Other obligations set forth in the labor law and employment agreement;
4.3. The rights of the employer
4.3.1. To establish an employment agreement on the basis of Labor law, Rules and Regulations of MNUE, and extend or terminate the employment agreement if an employee’s employment agreement term ends;
4.3.2. To require an employee to adhere to the laws and regulations of Mongolia, Rules and Regulations of MNUE as well as to fulfill his/her contractual obligations set forth in the job description and employment agreement;
4.3.3. To impose disciplinary punishment to an employee, who commits a disciplinary offence, in accordance with the Labor law, Employment agreement and Full Material Liability Contract;
4.3.4. To keep control over appropriate use and integrity of the university properties and equipment; to require others to use according to their purposes;
4.3.5. To reward an employee with incentives in consideration of his/her work performance;
4.3.6. To temporarily transfer to another job and/or promote to a higher position due to an unavoidable work need;
4.3.7. To change an assistant to the director of a constituent school, a specialist of a curriculum department, a student officer, an assistant to a laboratory, an accountant and academic coordinator and a dormitory/residence hall coordinator at a certain interval;
4.3.8. To keep control over implementation of the requirements specified in the clause 4.3.2 of the rules, and to charge a lecturer, employee or a worker, who breaches the contractual obligations, with a responsibility in accordance with the labor law;
4.3.9. Other rights specified in relevant laws, regulations, employment agreement and Rules and Regulations of MNUE;
4.4.The obligations of a lecturer
4.4.1. To strictly adhere to the Labor law, Public service law, other laws and regulations, the Rules and regulations of MNUE, other rules and regulations as well as the employment agreement;
4.4.2. To strictly follow the labor safety rules and instructions;
4.4.3. Not to use alcoholic beverages and cigarettes at the work place, not to cheat others and not to commit disciplinary offences;
4.4.4. To strictly fulfill the job duties specified in the job description as well as the tasks given by the superiors,
4.4.5. To maintain good time management and improve labor productivity;
4.4.6. To keep the workplace clean, ensuring appropriate use and integrity of university properties and equipment; and to prevent from fire hazards;
4.4.7. Not to take university belongings without permission, to bring back in due course if an employee takes an item with the consent of a superior, and to compensate any loss or damage incurred due to his/her wrongful actions;
4.4.8. To keep the documents related to a lecturer’s job duties in accordance with Public Sector Bookkeeping Instructions, and to deliver the documents to the Archive in electronic and paper format within the 1st quarter of next year;
4.4.9. The set of documents shall contain the names and signatures of officials/employees who have developed these documents. Relevant note shall be written at the left bottom side of last page.
4.4.10. If a lecturer plans to attend in a course or training at his/her expenses, the lecturer shall submit his/her request to the administration of MNUE through the constituent school and/or the unit;
4.4.11. To use the educational tools, equipment and work wear in accordance with their purposes; and to have them recorded in relevant census;
4.4.12. Other obligations specified in the laws, regulations and employment agreement;
4.5. The rights of a lecturer and an employee
4.5.1. A lecturer shall enjoy the rights specified in the law of Mongolia on education, law on higher education, Public service law, Labor law and other relevant laws and regulations, rules and regulations of MNUE and Work Regulations for the Lecturers.
4.5.2. A proposal for making changes to Internal Labor Rules shall be made on the basis of certain grounds by the delegates of employer and lecturers/employees.
4.5.3. To be provided with safe working conditions that meets safety and hygiene requirements;
4.5.4. To work in an honest manner, creating a safe working condition and putting in for workplace safety;
4.5.5. To be paid performance-related pay;
4.5.6. To receive allowances and benefits in accordance with laws, regulations and the relevant rules;
4.5.7. To be granted annual and research leave, and to be granted leave of absence;
4.5.8. To attend in a training for his/her personal development;
4.5.9. To make a complaint regarding the working conditions, social welfare, social security and university interest related issues to the administration of university or a concerning official in oral and written form;
4.5.10. To enjoy other rights specified in the laws, regulations and employment agreement;
Five. Conclusion and/or termination of an employment agreement
5.1.1. Any employment of a person on the basis of an employment agreement for a vacant position at the MNUE shall be based on Labor law, Public Service Law, other relevant laws and regulations, the Rules and Regulations of MNUE as well as this Rules.
5.1.2. The issue of creating a new workplace or cutting vacancy shall be resolved by the meeting of the Council of Administrators.
5.1.3. MNUE shall employee at the following position grading: a probationary lecturer, a lecturer, a senior lecturer, an associate lecturer and a professor. Up to 3 associate professors and 2 professors shall be employed as a member of a faculty and a professors’ team.
5.1.4. Increments to an associate professor and a professor, as well as the academic titles granted by the National University of Mongolia, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Health Science University of Mongolia, Mongolian University of Culture and Arts and University of Life Sciences of Mongolia shall be considered equivalent to those granted by the Mongolian National University of Education. The academic titles of associate professor and professor granted by other domestic universities or instituted shall be considered lower.
5.1.5. The list of academic titles is granted (associate professor, professor) by foreign universities or institutes, accepted at MNUE and approved by the Council of Professors.
5.1.6. Recruitment and selection shall be announced openly. The human resource manager shall investigate the employment history and backgrounds of a candidate and shall present successful candidates to the managerial level staffs.
5.1.7. A successful candidate, who meets the requirements for the position, who passed all the steps involved in selection procedure and who is to work as the position of a specialist or a superior staff shall be presented to the Council of Administrators by the Head of a concerning unit. The order to recruit an employee and job description shall be approved by the order of the President of MNUE. If necessary, the job description can be revised and modified.
5.1.8. The human resource manager shall arrange the issues of introducing a new employee through the university website and recording him/her in the university network. A person working under a civil law contract concluded with an individual shall not be recorded in the university network.
5.1.9. Employment related note shall be made on the social insurance book on the basis of the recruitment order of the President of MNUE.
5.1.10. Depending on the specific requirements for the position, a new employee shall attend in a health and safety awareness training or employee orientation training. A relevant clause shall be included in the employment agreement.
5.1.11. Within the limits of working hours, an employee may simultaneously perform another work or occupy another position for his or her employer, or for another organization, or combine his or her job duties with other work or duties in his or her for his or her organization, or by an agreement with employee employer may have the employee temporarily perform the duties of an absent employee, as well as increase the employee’s workload.
5.1.12. In the event of simultaneous performance of another work, the clauses 2.3 of article 23, 28.2 of article 28 and the clauses of articles 37-40 of labor law shall be included in the employment agreement for employee’s performance of another work.
5.1.13. If the employee, in addition to his/her basic job duties, simultaneously performs duties of another job or position, or substitutes for an absent employee, performs additional duties no t specified in his or her job description, or works during at night hours or works extra hours, an additional pay equal to up to 40 percent of his/her basic salary (wages) shall be calculated and paid on the basis of labor law of Mongolia and the Collective agreement concluded with the Trade Union.
5.1.14. In accordance with the clause 4.4.3 of the Rules and Regulations of MNUE, the President of MNUE may terminate the employment agreement for employee’s performance of another work or decrease the percentage mentioned above in consideration of an employee’s work performance.
5.1.15. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall conclude an employment agreement with a part-time lecturer. An employment agreement with a contractual employee shall be concluded by the director of a constituent school or the Vice president for Research/Finance.
5.1.16. In the event of employing as a lecturer, the article 3 of Work regulations for the lecturers of MNUE shall be applied.
5.1.17. A lecturer who is to work at MNUE shall have bachelor’s (undergraduate), master’s degree or higher granted by the MNUE, National University of Mongolia, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Health Science University of Mongolia, Mongolian University of Culture and Arts and University of Life Sciences of Mongolia.
5.1.18. A scientist may be employed on the basis of an agreement irrespective of his/her graduate school.
5.1.19. An introduction sheet of an individual, who has collected and provided all the necessary documents for being employed by the MNUE, shall be granted by the Human resource specialist. Vice President for Research shall review an introduction sheet for an individual who is to work at the Administration Department. An introduction sheet for an individual who is to work at the Service Office and Financial Office shall be reviewed by Vice-President for Finance and the Human resource specialist. An official who has reviewed the introduction sheet shall note his/her opinions on the sheet and sign.
5.1.20. An applicant to participate in the selection shall provide the following documents. As follows:
- Notarized copy of the Certificate of education, professional certificate, bachelor degree diploma;
- Public service employment application form;
- Letter of reference and Order to dismiss from work from previous employer;
- Notarized copy of Citizen ID Card;
- Cover letter for a job;
- Social insurance book and Health insurance book;
5.1.21 The issue of transferring an employee working at a unit of MNUE to another unit shall be resolved by the President of MNUE in consideration of the opinions and grounds submitted by the head of the units;
5.2. Conclusion of an employment agreement
5.2.1. The sample of employment agreement of MNUE shall be approved by the President of MNUE. It shall contain some supplementary clauses depending on the specific requirements for the position. The employment agreement shall come into effect when it is signed by two parties.
5.2.2. The Performance Agreement to be concluded between the President of MNUE and a director of a constituent school shall include the obligations set forth in the Collective agreement concluded with the Trade Union.
5.2.3. Any failure in fulfilling the supplementary clauses specified in employment agreement shall be considered as failure in fulfillment of employment agreement. The employment agreement shall be evaluated within a certain period of time.
5.2.4. An individual, whom the President of MNUE issues an order to recruit/employ an individual, shall work for 6 months on a probationary basis. During the probationary period, an employee shall be paid only basic salary.
5.2.5. When an individual’s probationary period ends, the issue of employing him/her as a full time employee shall be resolved in consideration of his/her work performances, professional skills, and a good attitude towards the work as well as professional ethics. If it is decided to employ him/her as a full-time employee, an employment agreement shall be concluded with him/her. (The director of a constituent school shall conclude an employment agreement with an employee of the school.)
5.2.6. An employee may be transferred to another job for a temporary period on the basis of grounds specified in the articles 32-34 of Labor law of Mongolia.
5.2.7. In the event of temporary employment, a relevant order shall be made. The period of temporary employment shall not exceed 45 days as specified in the clause 32.1 of article 32 of Labor law.
5.2.8. If an employee agrees, the period of temporary employment can be extended twice.
5.2.9. An employee working under probationary status or a temporary period shall not be involved in vacation system and incentives system for titles.
5.2.10. The terms and conditions specified in the clause 21.1 of article 21 of Labor law shall be included in the employment agreement.
5.2.11. If a lecturer or employee is to perform job duties in which an employee or lecturer shall be imposed full or partial material liability, a material liability agreement shall be concluded with him/her or certain relevant clauses shall be included in the employment agreement.
5.2.12. An employee, who has concluded an employment agreement, shall be provided one copy of the following documents. As follows:
- Order to employee (issued by the President of MNUE);
- Employment agreement or contract;
- Job description;
- Material liability agreement (if applicable);
5.3. Termination of an employment agreement
5.2.1. An employment agreement concluded with an employee shall be terminated on the grounds specified in articles 37-40 of Labor law of Mongolia. The issues related to employment agreement shall be regulated in conformity with the labor law of Mongolia, an employment agreement concluded with an employee as well as the Internal rules.
5.2.2. The grounds of terminating an employment agreement shall be stated in the Order to terminate the employment agreement. If necessary, the members of Job hand over commission and work orientations shall be stated.
5.2.3. An employee, who is fired, dismissed or transferred from the work, shall deliver the job-related materials, files and documents to a new employee (who is to work at his/her position) in the presence of the head of a unit, or to the head of a unit, if a new employee is not appointed. The relevant furniture, equipment and devices shall be delivered to the Facility Management Department, the books and journals shall be delivered to the library and the other items like keys, seal on wax and certificate cards shall be delivered to a concerning official of the unit, respectively.
5.2.4. An employee who is dismissed from work shall fill out a routing slip and complete all the financial accounting payments. Then he/she shall be provided with his/her social insurance and health insurance books together with the resolution to terminate the employment agreement.
5.2.5. The employer shall resolve the issue of granting the severance pay specified in the clause 42.1 of Labor law of Mongolia in accordance with the Collective agreement concluded between the Administration of MNUE and the Trade Union of the university.
5.2.6. A lecturer, an employee or a worker shall have a right to terminate the employment agreement at his/her own initiative. In this case, his/her request of resignation to the employer shall be the grounds of terminating the employment agreement.
5.2.7. An employment agreement may be terminated at the initiative of the employer on any of the following grounds specified in the clause 40.1 of article 40 of labor law of Mongolia; a lecturer, an employee or a worker commits repeated breach of the labor disciplinary rules or a serious breach for which the employment agreement specifically provides termination of the labor relations;
- if the Ethics committee makes a decision to terminate the employment agreement in accordance with the Ethical rules for lecturers and students;
- if a lecturer or an employee misses the work for three days or 24 work hours, causing trouble to normal educational activities;
- if an employee/lecturer is unable to continue his/her employment at the university due to a court decision;
- if an employee/lecturer fails to meet the requirements of Internal rules of MNUE, Employment agreement and Work regulations for the lecturers of MNUE;
- it is determined by the professional review commission that the employee/lecturer fails to meet the requirements of the job or position due to the lack of professional qualifications or skill
5.2.8. The employer shall notify about the decision to terminate the employment agreement in a written form, specifying the grounds of termination of employment agreement.
5.4. Conclusion, evaluation and termination of a contract
5.1.1. The President of MNUE shall conclude the contracts with the Vice Presidents and Directors of Constituent schools only in written form.
5.1.2. A contract shall be evaluated within the period specified in the contract and the work performances shall be assessed and evaluated.
5.1.3. An official who has concluded a contract shall submit a relevant report containing the information on the activities of a unit (which he/she accounts for) and the outcomes of the works agreed in the contract to the employer within the period specified in the contract.
5.1.4. The issue of cancelling or continuing the contract shall be resolved by the employer after the contract is evaluated. If the contract is evaluated well, the period shall be extended.
5.1.5. If an official is not notified of any termination of the contract when it is expired, the contract shall be considered as extended for its original period.
5.1.6. Grounds of termination of a contract shall be as follows:
- A contract may be terminated on the grounds provided in the labor law. And a contract may be terminated at the initiative of the employer or an employee according to said law;
- If a Vice President or the director of a constituent school is to attend in a training for more than 6 months of his/her own will;
- If a Vice President or the director of a constituent school concluded another employment agreement or contract or any other agreement in order to work at another position;
- If any clause or provisions in the contract or internal rules is violated seriously, the contract may be terminated prior to its expiry date;
- In the event of any termination of a contract, the employer shall pay an allowance in conformity with the grounds specified in the Labor law and the contract. Unless otherwise specified in the order, all the payment accounts between the parties shall be completed within 5 working days.