2.2 Candidates to associate professor title should qualify the following criteria. Should have:

2.2.1   made research at university or high institutions for more than 10 years, at least for 5 years worked at the MNUE(External staff member should have teach at least 5 years at university)

2.2.2   published at list 3 articles and textbooks;

2.2.3   published at least 15 research works at least 5 if them should be published within 3 last yearsNote* - If have published not less than 5 works in the international research journals, the publications not required to be 15

2.2.4  published not less than 2 publications in the foreign research journal

2.2.5   lead not less than 8 masters diploma works;

2.2.6   have sufficient level of assessment and satisfaction on client satisfaction surveys on teaching methodology and skills, and develop training curriculum and standard on teaching subjects fully implementing them in their work;

2.3 The research work specified in Articles 2.1.6, 2.2.3 of this Regulation shall be published in he professional journals

2.3.1   In the assessment of candidates to Honorary Professor, Professor and Associate Professor may be included patents, inventions, and other performance indicators

2.3.2   Some of works based on art research of artistic teachers may be considered as scientific publications