Internationally Accredited Degree Programmes
The Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN) is a non-profit association founded in July 1999. Since then it has provided expert support to German and international universities in the implementation of accreditation procedures on the programme and institutional level. It is a leader nationally and internationally in the accreditation of programmes in engineering, the natural sciences, mathematics, computer sciences as well as in medicine and economics. The following MNUE degree programs are accredited by ASIIN.
- The “Teacher, Mathematics Education” programme (D011401) is the package of programmes aimed to prepare mathematics and informatics teachers. Accredited by ASIIN on 2018, and extended until 2023.
- The “Teacher, Natural Sciences Education” program (D011402) is the package of physics, chemistry, biology and geography teaching programs. Students study full time on daily basis and graduate with a bachelor degree in Educational studies, and are eligible to teach Biology at lower and upper secondary school levels. Accredited by ASIIN on 2021, and extended until 2024.
Biology Teacher Education
The history of preparing biology teachers started back in 1951 with establishment of Teachers institute in the country. In 1957, when the institute was reorganized as the State Teachers Institute with the status of preparing teacher with higher education, the Chemistry-Natural Sciences department was founded, which in 1060 has laid foundation of the Biology department as a separate unit within the institute. At the beginning 1970s due to the country’s need in biology teachers in rural schools about 400 teachers were prepared through short term intensive courses. The department implemented teacher education program in chemistry-biology until 1993 and starting from 1990 in biology only. There were also periods of preparing biology-geography (1986-1991), ecology-chemistry (from 1995 onwards) geography-biology (from 2005), biology-PE-health education (from 2004), biology-health education (from 2007) teachers to respond to the professional liquidity in the country. Over the years the department has gained a substantial experience in teacher education and prepared more than 2600 teachers with bachelor, 193 teachers with master’s degree. It is also worthwhile to note that many generations of our graduates (the first involvement in 1972) as well as the current staff of the department serve as authors of the national biology standards, curriculum, core curriculum, textbooks, teacher’s books, workbooks, and recommendations for secondary schools.