Authors for writing and publishing articles to journal “Lavai” of the MNUE which has ISSN 2410-4507 are required to follow this recommendation
One Structure and Approach
Topic or Title
The title of article is allowed to contain briefly and rationally the main idea of it in no more than 11 words, 11 pt. Times New Roman font, Bold, with CAPITAL LETTERS, rows are highlighted. Subtitles should be written in 11 pt. Times New Roman font, which first letter is capitalized, Bold, is in the left side.
Author’s Address:
Job title, position, degree, author’s first name and surname should be written in 11 pt. Times New Roman font, parallel to the right side.
The summary should contain 150-250 words and written clearly in English or Russian languages. It should be written in 11pt. Times New Roman font. An abstract is a concise single paragraph summary of completed work or work in progress. In a minute or less a reader can learn the rationale behind the study, general approach to the problem, pertinent results, and important conclusions or new questions.
Key Words
Around 6-8 words that can be used to summarize or express the meaning of the article. Written in 10 pt. Times New Roman font, and on the left side. The key word in the article title does not need to be included in the key word section
The introduction should contain a concise summary of the research, research methods, objectives, needs, issues, hypothesis, and how to test the experiment, how much material and information to accumulate, and how to process it, conclusions and analyses.
Research Methods
The methods section should contain an outline of the means through which this data was collected. It should additionally include the findings of other researchers, a discussion of other theories and concepts, and the conclusions in relations to the research hypotheses. Results must be mathematically or scientifically presented and written in quantitative indicators.
In this section the investigator should write the results of his or her in a logical, sequential, orderly and clear way. Improve reader clarity by using figures and tables, if appropriate, to present results most effectively.
It recommends using 11 pt. Times New Roman font, Bold, in the center of the page. The conclusion should include a concise summary of findings and further link these findings to broader questions to be addressed by later researchers.
TwoRequirements to the Publication
А. Technical Requirements
- Use 297x210mm (A4 size paper), within 10-15 pages.
- Print or type using an 11 point standard font, such as Times New Roman, Microsoft Office.
- The margins must be set as top and bottom 3 cm, left and right side 2,5 cm. Do not use page numbering and header, footer, footnote.
- Tables, figures and graphs are numbered consecutively from the beginning of the article. The names of tables, figures and graphs must be 11pt. Times New Roman font, on the right side. Inside the tables, figures and graphs must be 10pt. Times New Roman font. For instance:
Table 2
Content expelled by math dentistry in primary education
# | Objectives | MDPLE¹expelled content /1951-2016/ |
1 | General Methodology | Lesson-plan for working with 2 classes in the same time Contact and examine the student’s writing activity |
2 | Counting Methodology | Apply to plus and minus |
3 | Algebra Teaching Methodology | Generate abstract numerical formulas |
4 | Geometry Teaching Methodology | Straighten the line and measure it |
Picture 1
Belt forms in the deer stone statues
Graphic 1
Result of the experiment group
B. Content Requirements
- Research articles are based on the topics of innovative and impact-factor researches of journalists and researchers who have incorporated the latest research findings, using specific research and analysis methodologies, research based on experimental studies, and ideas that have been proposed or denied, cited and resolved by the researcher’s opinion
- MNUE journal may publish rare and essential sources of translation. In one issue of this journal should be published two up-to-date translation material
- Materials published in the MNUE “Research Manuel” should not be published in other academic journals
- Write quotations and annotations in APA template and include quotation authoring and year of number for quotes.
Quotes Directly Author’s Idea
- Direct quotation is included low than 40 words, the term part and intersection is defined as “ “ in the yard and separated from the text itself.
“In the Mongolian language, the word teacher is broadest meaning. In addition to real teachers, it is the duty of every teacher to teach them to be good teachers” (Purevdorj, 2010, p.216)
- Direct quotation does not contain quotes if they are more than 40 words. The quted part is entirely the left-hand side of the paragraph.
Footnote can be used for details of the word description, corrections, and additional study materials.
Recommendation for Citation
The author of the source, the year of publication and page number are written in the text
Quotes one author’s work
- If author is not mentioned in the sentence, write the author’s name, year, and page number in the brackets.
Example: (Jadambaa, 2010, p.216)
- If author’s name is mentioned in the sentence, should not mention again the author’s name, write only year and page number in the bracket.
Example: (2010, p.216)
- If author’s name and year of making research are mentioned in the sentence, they should not be mentioned again in the brackets.
Example: Jadambaa, 2010
- If the author is used more than two creative works, the name of the author and the year of publications shall be used in order of the same.
Example: (Sanjdorj, 2010, 2012,p.8)
Quotes of the multiple authors
- When quoted two authors, refer to each author’s name in each quotation.
Example: (Altangerel, Nansalmaa, 2014)
- If the authors have the same name, include the first letter of their surname.
Example: (Ganbaatar G., Ganbaatar L., 2010)
- In the case of quotes from the authors of 2-5, the writer of the first verse shall write the name of the author and then re-quote from the writings only if the name of the first author is denoted by the other author’s name “and…” (and etc.).
Example: (Oyun, Enkhmaa, Enkhjargal, Enkhtuvshin, 2006)
(Batkhuyag, and etc., 2006 )
- When quoting from work of 6 or more authors, the name of the first author is mentioned and add “and others.” to it.
Example: (Batkhuyag and others, 2003)
- When the author is unclear, type the title or chapter of the article and the web[age in the quotation marks.
Example: (“Educational research and teacher development” 2009)
- When the author is uncertain, the names of regular editions, books, brochures and reports should be typed in the title form.
Example: (Century News, 2014)
- Declaration of judicial and legal documents as well as the writers are identical to those of unofficial writing template
Example: Educational Law, 2000)
- When used translation source and primary source, write the author’s name, translation and published year in parentheses.
Example: (Arystotel, transl. 1931)
The source is used in the references
General format of the reference
- Bibliography lists has the same font size as the main text
- Spacing between rows (Spacing: After 0pt, Before 0pt)
- Before the bibliography list /12 pt., Times New Roman font, ALL CAPS, bold, to the left side of the page should be marked “Used materials”. The list of references will be written in one row and placed in alphabetical order.
- Write the author’s name from the beginning of row, and write the following row easily from the paragraph and the author’s name.
Example: Batkhuyag S., Ichinkhorloo Sh., (2000). The basis of Pedagogy Ulaanbaatar: Munkhiin useg press
Order of the writing references
Write the bibliography in alphabetical order. It classified into two parts. These include:
a. Mongolian and Russian sources
b. Sources written in English and other languages.
- Enter the full name of the organization that issued the author or non-compiler creator, and write them in alphabetical order
- The name and address of the event, such as meetings, broadcasts, etc., in the course of lecture, meeting notes, manuscripts, radio and television programs and interviews quotation owner (speaker, teacher, interviewer, etc.) should be written in alphabetical order.
- Sources such as e-books and compact discs, newspapers, magazines and other sources are ordered according to the same principles. If the author’s name or author is not clear, place them for the first letter in alphabetical order.
- When writing two or more sources with one author, the title will be sorted by year of publication.
- In order to print one of the first printed copies in one of the authors, it is better to place a, b, c of the year in order of publication.
- In order to commemorate the bibliography of the foreign written language, it shall follow the language alphabet order. In the list of Asian countries (Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other language) all the titles should be written with Latin letters and ordered according to alphabetical order.
- The bibliography should include the name of the author as written in the source. After writing author’s name take a space and write the first letter of surname and put a point.
- After the author’s name the year of publication will be printed on the brackets and placed behind the lid.
- If printed again, place the publication place the number of edition in the brackets and put point mark after it.
- In the complication of the compiled works, the composer’s first and surname will be written in the same way, and the following shall be added as a comma separated list (compiled) (Editor) (ed.).
- To write the name of the work, write the name of the single book in a sloping, non- parent, printed city, country, and publishing area, and each entry is separated with comma. However, the name of the city, state, or place of publication shall be either abbreviated or in full form which is located whichever is omitted.
- When writing a booklet or article in a brochure, newspaper or magazine, separate with comma after the date and write the names of the newspapers, articles, magazines without sloping or shuffling.
- If source publication year is uncertain, write “year unclear”. In English source type “n. d” instead of “no date”.
- In the used in reference material is from website, the author’s full name, date, article, and document will be followed by the address of the website. When entering the information provided by the e-mail address or the date of the used material, such as “Available at” or “Retreived from” or before “Cit.month/day/year”.
- When inserting the source from compact disc, write in the same way as website source and only type CD after title. Then write name of the disc and the serial number of it separated with comma.
- In the case of no author or compiler from an electronic network or disc, type it in the same way as non-author or non-compiler sources
- At the end of each used material put point mark and should not write page number.
Receiving material
The materials will be received in paper-typed form at Research and Innovation Office of the MNUE (MNUE, Building A-202) and electronically by
Contact phone: 321902