The Academic Council members provide the primary form of faculty governance at Mongolian National University of Education. The Academic Council consists of the President, Vice-President, Directors, and approximately 45 to 50 members elected for either one or two-year terms by the faculty from their respective divisions and schools. The size of the body varies slightly with the size of the faculty as outlined in the faculty bylaws.

D.Mandakh, Chairman of the Academic Council, has approved the following composition by A / 276 of November 7, 2017. The Academic Council of MNUE currently has 45 representatives.


№  Position  Name Title 
President  D.Mandakh  President, MNUE 
Vice-president  D.Narantsetseg  Vice President of Research 
Member  Kh.Tamir  Vice President of Academic Affairs 
Member  Ts.Burmaa  Vice President of International Affairs 
Member  B.Sukhbold  Vice President of Administration and Human Resources 
Member  Ts.Delgersaikhan  Director, Teachers School 
Member  J.Batbaatar  Director, School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
Member  G.Tsogzolmaa  Director, School of Educational Studies 
Member  O.Altangoo  Director, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 
10  Member  A.Enkhmaa  Director, School of Fine Arts and Technology 
11  Member  G.Enkhsaikhan  Director, School of Physical Education 
12  Member  L.Gantsetseg  Director, School of Preschool Education 
13  Member  G.Bayarbold  Director, Teachers School, Arkhangai province 
14  Member  B.Bulgan  Head of Curriculum Affairs Office, Teachers School 
15  Member  D.Enkhtsetseg  Head, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Teachers School 
16  Member  R.Magsar  Faculty, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Teachers School 
17  Member  Ts.Unurbayan  Dean, Mongolian Studies Center 
18  Member  N.Myagmartsooj  Director, Office of Curriculum and Teacher Development 
19  Member  Ts.Baasandorj  Faculty, Department of History, School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
20  Member  S.Erdenemaam  Faculty, Department of Russian Language, School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
21  Member  A.Tsog-Ochir  Faculty, Department of Mongolian Language, School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
22  Member  Ts.Gantulga  Faculty, Department of History, School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
23  Member  Ts.Magsar  Faculty, Russian Language Center, School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
24  Member  S.Amartuvshin  Faculty, Department of Literary and Journalism, School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
25  Member  S.Enkhjin  Faculty, Department of History, School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
26  Member  E.Gerelt-Od  Director, Office of International Relations 
27  Member  O.Myagmar  Faculty, Department of Psychology and Methodology, School of Educational Studies 
28  Member  T.Tsendsuren  Head, Department of Social Work and Methodology 
29  Member  D.Naranchimeg  Head, Center of Educational Studies 
30  Member  M.Khishig-Undrakh  Head, Brain Studies Center, School of Educational Studies 
31  Member  Chu.Baigalmaa  Faculty, Department of Educational Studies and Methodology, School of Educational Studies 
32  Member  T.Batbold  Faculty, Research Methodology professors’ team, School of Educational Studies 
33  Member  Ye. Batchuluun  Faculty, Department of Geography, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 
34  Member  G.Punsalpaamuu  Faculty, Department of Biology, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 
35  Member  D.Tsedevsuren  Faculty, Department of Information Technology, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 
36  Member  Ts.Luvsandorj  Faculty, Department of Didactics, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 
37  Member  B.Khoroldagva  Faculty, Department of Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 
38  Member  B.Sandagdorj  Head, Department of Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 
39  Member  N.Narantsogt  Head, Department of Chemistry, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 
40  Member  L.Urtnasan  Faculty, Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Sports, School of Physical Education 
41  Member  S.Tuul  Head, Department of Physical Education, School of Physical Education 
42  Member  Ts.Erdenetsog  Head, Department of Fine Arts, School of Fine Arts and Technology 
43  Member  R.Gotsbayar  Head, Department of Design, School of Fine Arts and Technology 
44  Member  J.Batdelger  Head, Center of Training and Research, School of Preschool Education 
45  Member  T.Tsendsuren  Faculty, Methodology Department, School of Preschool Education