What is an additional program? 

Additional program is a training to discover and develop learning abilities in accordance with their needs and interests and to continue to study in the field of qualified profession and selected profession. 

Significance of Additional program

  • To use collaborative learning, to promote education; to create opportunities for the students to study through professional orientation and interests
  • To find and develop one’s own talent and skill
  • To learn by teaching; to use knowledge; to accumulate experiences and methods

How to apply for?

Applicants, who are admitted to the additional program in MNUE, will be paid tuition fee fully and enrolled within specified period of time. The admission will be considered valid. Applicants shall be registered in Building-1 in MNUE.

How to pay tuition fee

-       Tuition fee needs to be credited to the MNUE’s schools’ bank account before your additional program starts.

-       Applicants should write your full name, registration number, student code, program code, phone number and types of deposits in the section of transaction description.